




I'm trying to get an image that is around 1920x1200px to pan around on a 800x600px browser window.So if my mouse is on the top-left of the browser window the image is alined so it's top-left margins are on the top-left of the browser window. The same goes for the bottum-right.


So if the mouse is in the centre of the screen the image should be centered too.


Im not sure what calculations are needed as my math is a bit rusty.


Currently I'm using a bit of javascript that just moves the image using CSS's top/left properties but without much success as it's just moving the picture around from it's top/left corner.


I'v also set the image's position to absolute in css.

function updateImgPosition( e )
    var avatar = document.getElementById("avatar");
    // Width
    var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
    var mouseWidthLocation = e.x;
    var percentOfWidth = (100 / windowWidth) * mouseWidthLocation;

    // Height
    var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
    var mouseHeightLocation = e.y;
    var percentOfHeight = (100 / windowHeight) * mouseHeightLocation;

 avatar.style.top   = percentOfHeight + "%";
 avatar.style.left  = percentOfWidth + "%";


document.onmousemove = updateImgPosition;

这是我所拥有的演示: http://jsfiddle.net/uQAmQ/1/

This is a demo of what I have: http://jsfiddle.net/uQAmQ/1/


提琴: http://jsfiddle.net/uQAmQ/2/

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/uQAmQ/2/


You should not "pan" on an absolutely positioned element, because the window's width and height keep changing according to the image. A smoother solution involves using a background image. See the middle of my answer for the used logic.

考虑以下JavaScript(阅读注释; HTML + CSS放在小提琴中):

Consider this JavaScript (read comments; HTML + CSS at fiddle):

(function(){ //Anonymous function wrapper for private variables
    /* Static variables: Get the true width and height of the image*/
    var avatar = document.getElementById("avatar");
    var avatarWidth = avatar.width;
    var avatarHeight = avatar.height;
    var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
    var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;

    /* Logic: Move */
    var ratioY = (avatarHeight - windowHeight) / windowHeight;
    var ratioX = (avatarWidth - windowWidth) / windowWidth;

    function updateImgPosition( e ) {

        var mouseY = e.pageX; //e.pageX, NOT e.x
        var mouseX = e.pageY;
        var imgTop = ratioY*(-mouseY);
        var imgLeft = ratioX*(-mouseX);
        document.body.style.backgroundPosition = imgLeft + "px " + imgTop + "px";


    /* Add event to WINDOW, NOT "document"! */
    window.onmousemove = updateImgPosition;


  • 不能使用相对单位 ,因为图像尺寸是以绝对单位指定的.
  • 偏移量应根据特定比率变化,类似于:image size 除以 window size.
  • Relative units cannot be used, because the image size is specified in absolute units.
  • The offsets should change according to a specific ratio, which is similar to: image size divided by window size.
    However, this ratio is not complete: The image would disappear at the bottom/left corner of the window. To fix this, substract the window's size from the image's size. The result can be found in the code at variable ratioX and ratioY.
    The previous code had to be loaded at the window.onload event, because the image's size was dynamically calculated. For this reason, a HTML element was also included in the body.

通过指定代码中背景的大小,可以将同一代码编写得更小,更有效.请参阅此改进的代码. 提琴: http://jsfiddle.net/uQAmQ/3/

The same code can be written much smaller and efficient, by specifying the size of the background in the code. See this improved code. Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/uQAmQ/3/

(function(){ //Anonymous function wrapper for private variables
/* Static variables: Get the true width and height of the image*/
    var avatarWidth = 1690;
    var avatarHeight = 1069;
    var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
    var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;

/* Logic: Move */
    var ratioY = (avatarHeight - windowHeight) / windowHeight;
    var ratioX = (avatarWidth - windowWidth) / windowWidth;

function updateImgPosition( e ) {
    var mouseX = e.pageX; //e.pageX, NOT e.x
    var mouseY = e.pageY;
    var imgTop = ratioY*(-mouseY);
    var imgLeft = ratioX*(-mouseX);
    document.body.style.backgroundPosition = imgLeft + "px " + imgTop + "px";

/* Add event to WINDOW, NOT "document"! */
window.onmousemove = updateImgPosition;

如果您不介意降低代码的可读性,则以下代码是最佳解决方案,提琴: http://jsfiddle.net/uQAmQ/4/ :

If you don't mind a decreased code readability, the following code is the best solution, Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/uQAmQ/4/:

(function(){ //Anonymous function wrapper for private variables
/* Static variables: Get the true width and height of the image*/
    var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
    var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
    var ratioY = (windowHeight - 1069) / windowHeight;
    var ratioX = (windowWidth - 1690) / windowWidth;

    window.onmousemove = function( e ) {
        document.body.style.backgroundPosition = ratioX * e.pageX + "px " + ratioY * e.pageY + "px";


09-04 21:50