I am trying to use kriging(gaussian process) regression with a constant term and generalized exponential correlation model. I was able to do this in older version with GaussianProcess function (version 0.17.1). When I use it, I get a warning saying
However, I can't find similar options with GaussianProcessRegressor. I wonder if I can do the same with GaussianProcessRegressor or scikit-learn doesn't plan to support this functionality anymore.
GaussianProcess function (version 0.17.1) is based on DACE package and provides two options: trend term and correlation term.
克里格的趋势项可以是设置为常数或多项式,例如线性,二次方。 GaussianProcessRegressor假定一个恒定的趋势项,它是训练数据的平均值。它不支持带有趋势的克里金法。但是,这不是主要问题,因为文献表明复杂的趋势项可能无济于事。例如,请参阅(Chen,2016)。
Trend term in Kriging can be set to constant or polynomials such as linear, quadratic. GaussianProcessRegressor assumes a constant trend term which is mean of the training data. It does not support Kriging with trend. However, this is not a major issue because literature suggests that having complicated trend term might not help much. See (Chen, 2016) for example.
GaussianProcess中的相关项类似于GaussianProcessRegressor中的相关内核,后者更灵活。 RBF内核与平方指数内核相似,但形式略有不同。 (而不是用exp(-theta *(distance)^ 2 / length ^ 2代替exp(-theta *(distance)^ 2))。
Correlation term in GaussianProcess is similar to correlation kernels in GaussianProcessRegressor, latter being more flexible. RBF kernel is similar to squared exponential kernel in a slightly different form. (Instead of exp(-theta * (distance)^2) is replaced by exp(-theta*(distance)^2/length^2).
Finally, process variance in GaussianProcess is obtained by an analytical expression whereas in GaussianProcessRegressor it is obtained by maximizing likelihood estimator.
SN Lophaven,HB Nielsen,J.Sondergaard,DACE-A MATLAB Kriging工具箱,
S. N. Lophaven, H. B. Nielsen, J. Sondergaard, DACE-A MATLAB Kriging toolbox,version 2.0, Tech. Rep., 2002a.
H 。Chen,JL Loeppky,J。Sacks,WJ Welch等人,《计算机实验分析方法:如何评估和计数?》,统计科学31(1)(2016)40-60。
H. Chen, J. L. Loeppky, J. Sacks, W. J. Welch, et al., Analysis Methods for Computer Experiments: How to Assess and What Counts?, Statistical Science 31 (1) (2016) 40-60.