





git config branch.master.mergeoptions --no-ff

但是,这很笨拙,因为当简单地将master的上游更改合并到master的本地副本(合并提交是为普通的git pull创建的)时,它还阻止了快进合并.

是否有某种方法可以配置Git,以仅在将功能分支合并到主服务器中时阻止快速转发合并到主服务器中,以便在从主服务器执行git pull时允许快速转发,但是合并要素分支时总是创建合并提交吗?还是明确地使用--no-ff来完成此任务的唯一方法?


它正在重新引入过程中( 2012年9月)

提交前/提交后钩子不存在不能在git merge 完成的自动提交上运行.


  • 您要么在开发人员正在推送的git服务器上放置了一个更新钩子(但是到那时,对于他们而言,意识到实现快速前进的功能分支可能为时已晚)
  • 或者您编写(以及分发和维护...)一个git-merge包装器,该包装器将在本地存储库级别执行该控制.
就像我在"",使用--no-ff具有其优势,因为它不会破坏git bisectgit blame .
因此,某个功能的开发人员可能希望在主分支中快进之前重新组织他/她的功能提交(如果数量太多,将它们压缩一点)(而不是创建一个巨大的提交) ).

In order to make it easy to see when feature branches are merged to master, one can use Git's --no-ff option when merging their feature branch into master.

One way to accomplish this without needing to type --no-ff is to disable fast-forward merges into master entirely:

git config branch.master.mergeoptions --no-ff

However, this is clumsy since it also prevents fast-forward merges when simply merging upstream changes in master to a local copy of master (merge commits are created for normal git pulls.)

Is there some way to configure Git to prevent fast-forward merges into master only when merging feature branches into master, so that fast-forwards are allowed when doing git pulls from master, but merge commits are always created when merging feature branches? Or is explicitly using --no-ff the only way to accomplish this?


Note: a pre-merge hook doesn't exist.
It was introduced in 2008, and criticized then (because the controlhad better be implemented on the server (using an update hook).
It is in the process of being re-introduced (September 2012)

And a pre/post-commit hook isn't run on the auto-commit done by a git merge.


  • either you put in place an update hook on a git server where developers are pushing (but that may be too late by then for them to realize they fast-forwarded a feature branch)
  • or you write (and distribute, and maintain...) a git-merge wrapper which will do that control at the local repo level.

That being said, as I mentioned in "fast forward when using pull and no-ff when pull", not using --no-ff has its advantages, as it won't break git bisect and git blame.
So a developer for a feature might want to reorganize his/her feature commits (squash them a little if there are too many of them) before fast-forward them in master branch (instead of creating one giant commit).
See "Understanding the Git Workflow" for more.


09-04 21:12