




I would like to learn about the One Class, One Responsibility principle. I have found some articles about it, but without examples. It would help me if you can give me an example of a class that violates the principle.


I'm familiar with the idea that a method should do only one thing, for instance get and set methods. It must not be the same as One Class, One Responsibility, because set and get methods are both implemented inside a class. So does this mean the class is violating the rule because the class has responsibilities both to set and to get?

什么是一类,一责任原则 / em>?

What is the One Class, One Responsibility Principle?


我不是这个设计模式的100%专家,但这里是我如何想到的 - 如果我创建一个对象,那么它负责 一件事。如果需要做别的事情,但是与另一个对象有关,根据情况,我会使用继承或接口。

I'm not a 100% expert in this design pattern, but here's how I think of it - if I create an object, it is responsible for exactly one thing. If it needs to do something else, but is related to another object, depending on the situation, I would use inheritance, or interfaces.


It's a concept that seems fairly simple; make sure that a specific object (or method, for that matter) handles one piece of logic. If it handles more, you need another object (or method).


09-04 20:31