--depth=<depth>将限制从每个远程分支历史记录的顶端提取到指定的提交数量.如果使用--depth =选项获取由git clone创建的浅层存储库(请参见git-clone [1]),则将历史记录加深或缩短到指定的提交次数.无法获取用于深化的提交的标签.Limit fetching to the specified number of commits from the tip of each remote branch history. If fetching to a shallow repository created by git clone with --depth= option (see git-clone[1]), deepen or shorten the history to the specified number of commits. Tags for the deepened commits are not fetched. --deepen=<depth>类似于--depth,不同之处在于它指定了从当前浅边界(而不是从每个远程分支历史记录的尖端)提交的次数.Similar to --depth, except it specifies the number of commits from the >current shallow boundary instead of from the tip of each remote branch history. --shallow-since=<date>加深或缩短浅存储库的历史记录,以包括<date>之后的所有可到达的提交.Deepen or shorten the history of a shallow repository to include all reachable commits after <date>. git大师@torek指出以下内容:git guru @torek points out the following: 请注意,默认情况下,使用--depth创建的克隆也是单分支克隆.要使其成为完整的克隆,您将需要撤消此单个分支效果. Be aware that a clone made with --depth is also, by default, a single-branch clone. To make it a full clone you will need to undo this single branch effect.如何执行操作显示在如何撤消" ; -单分支克隆?. 这篇关于之后如何获得完整的git历史记录"git clone --depth = 1"?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云! 09-04 20:22