


What is the difference between linearizability and serializability (in the context of Java)? Can you please explain the difference between these with an example or provide a good reference?


两者之间的主要区别是: 可序列化是一个 global 属性;整个操作/交易历史的属性。 可线性化本地属性;单个操作/交易的属性。另一个区别是线性化包含实时的概念,而串行化却不包括:操作的线性化点必须位于调用和响应时间之间。 (请参阅Tim Harris:事务存储,第二版。请参见

  • 多处理器编程的艺术,线性化部分中Herlihy的幻灯片,该幻灯片为可用,例如一些示例和

    The central distinction between the two is that serializability is a global property; a property of an entire history of operations/transactions. Linearizability is a local property; a property of a single operation/transaction. Another distinction is that linearizability includes a notion of real-time, which serializability does not: the linearization point of an operation must lie between its invocation and response times. (See Tim Harris: Transactional Memory, 2ed. See Herlihy's slides from The Art of Multiprocessor Programming, the section on Linearizability, which are available here, for some examples and proofs.


    Both properties are aimed at the same goal: sequential consistency. From Herlihy's paper:


    ...Linearizability can be viewed as a special case of strict serializability where transactions are restricted to consist of a single operation applied to a single object. Nevertheless, this single-operation restriction has far-reaching practical and formal consequences, giving linearizable computations a different flavor from their serializable counterparts. An immediate practical consequence is that concurrency control mechanisms appropriate for serializability are typically inappropriate for linearizability because they introduce unnecessary overhead and place unnecessary restrictions on concurrency.

    • Harris,Tim,James Larus和Ravi Rajwar:交易记忆,第2版。计算机体系结构综合讲座。莫格Claypool,2010年。ISBN9781608452354. URL:


      • Harris, Tim, James Larus, and Ravi Rajwar: Transactional Memory, 2ed. Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture. Morgn & Claypool, 2010. ISBN 9781608452354. URL: http://www.morganclaypool.com/doi/abs/10.2200/S00272ED1V01Y201006CAC011?journalCode=cac

        Herlihy,Maurice和Jeanette Wing:线性化:并发对象的正确性条件。 ACM Trans。编郎和系统。卷1990年7月12日第3期,第463-492页。 URL

        Herlihy, Maurice and Jeanette Wing: Linearizability: A Correctness Condition for Concurrent Objects. ACM Trans. Prog. Lang. and Sys. Vol. 12, No. 3, July 1990, Pages 463-492. URLhttp://www.cs.brown.edu/~mph/HerlihyW90/p463-herlihy.pdf

        Papadimitriou,Christos:并行数据库的可序列化性更新。 ACM杂志第26卷。第4期,1979年10月,第631-653页。网址

        Papadimitriou, Christos: The Serializability of Concurrent Database Updates. Journal of the ACM Vol 26. No 4. October 1979, pp 631-653. URL http://publications.csail.mit.edu/lcs/pubs/pdf/MIT-LCS-TR-210.pdf

        Herlihy,Maurice和Nir Shavit :多处理器编程的艺术。 Elsevier,2008年。ISBN978-0-12-370591-4。网址:关于线性化的PPT幻灯片位于:

        Herlihy, Maurice and Nir Shavit: The Art of Multiprocessor Programming. Elsevier, 2008. ISBN 978-0-12-370591-4. URL: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/bookdescription.cws_home/714091/description#description PPT slides on linearizability are here: http://pub.ist.ac.at/courses/ppc10/slides/Linearizability.pptx

        Attiya,Hagit和Jennifer Welch:顺序一致性与线性化。 ACM交易计算机系统上。 1994年5月12日第2期,第91-122页。 URL

        Attiya, Hagit and Jennifer Welch: Sequential Consistency versus Linearizability. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems Vol. 12, No. 2, May 1994, Pages 91-122. URL http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=


        If you really care about this, read the paper that introduced the definitions. For linearizability, that's Linearizability: A Correctness Condition for Concurrent Objects, Herlihy and Wing. It's dense, but worth the attention. Note that in the software transactional memory community, it's an open question whether linearizability is the right goal / property to aim for.


        Serializability is about the outcome of a collection of operations/the "system" being expressible as a specific ordering ("as if execution took place in a specific order...") of all the operations. Linearizability is a property of a single subset of operations in the system... an operation/set of operations are linearizable if they appear to the other operations as if they occurred at a specific instant in (logical) time with respect to the others. The canonical paper here is Papadimitriou, The Serializability of Concurrent Database Updates.

        考虑原子操作;当您考虑线性化时。当一组(一组)操作(似乎)相对于系统的其他部分原子地发生时,它们是线性的。常见的表述是提供每个操作在其调用和响应之间即刻生效的错觉。 linearizability 的表述是由于,它强调这是局部属性,而其他类型的顺序一致性属性(例如可序列化这是全球性的。

        Think "atomic operation" when you're thinking about "linearizable." A (set of) operations are linearizable when they (appear to) occur atomically with respect to other parts of the system. A common formulation is "provide the illusion that each operation takes effect instantaneously between its invocation and response." The formulation of linearizability is due to Herlihy, which emphasizes that this is a local property, vs. other kinds of sequential consistency properties like "serializability" which are global.


  • 09-03 20:14