




I did a commit and reverted with

git revert HEAD^

只是git log

➜  git:(master) git log
commit 45a0b1371e4705c4f875141232d7a97351f0ed8b
Author: Daniel Palacio <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Jan 17 16:32:15 2012 -0800

    Production explanation

但是如果我做git log的话 - 它仍然显示出来。我需要将它从历史记录中删除,因为它有敏感信息

But if I do git log --all it still show up. I need to remove it from the history as it has sensitive information

git log --all
commit 5d44355080500ee6518f157c084f519da47b9391
Author: Daniel Palacio
Date:   Tue Jan 17 16:40:48 2012 -0800

    This commit has to be reset

commit 45a0b1371e4705c4f875141232d7a97351f0ed8b
Author: Daniel Palacio
Date:   Tue Jan 17 16:32:15 2012 -0800

    Production explanation


How do I remove the commit 5d44355080500ee6518f157c084f519da47b9391 from the history too?


git revert 在这里是错误的命令。这将创建一个新的提交,恢复较旧的提交。这不是你要求的。其次,它看起来像是要恢复 HEAD 而不是 HEAD ^

First off, git revert is the wrong command here. That creates a new commit that reverts an older one. That's not what you're asking for. Secondly, it looks like you want to revert HEAD instead of HEAD^.

如果你没有把它推到任何地方,你可以使用 git reset --hard HEAD ^ 来丢弃最新的提交(这也会抛弃任何未提交的更改,因此请确保您没有任何要保存的内容)。假设你对你的副本和其他人的敏感信息没有问题,那么你就完成了。你可以继续工作,后续的 git push 不会推送你的错误提交。

If you haven't pushed this anywhere, you can use git reset --hard HEAD^ to throw away the latest commit (this also throws away any uncommitted changes, so be sure you don't have any you want to save). Assuming you're ok with the sensitive information being present in your copy and nobody else's, you're done. You can continue to work and a subsequent git push won't push your bad commit.


If that's not a safe assumption (though if not I'd love to hear why), then you need to expire your reflogs and force a garbage collection that collects all outstanding objects right now. You can do that with

git reflog expire --expire=now --expire-unreachable=now --all
git gc --prune=now


though this should only be done if you really absolutely need to do it.


If you have pushed your commit, then you're pretty much out of luck. You can do a force-push to revert it remotely (though only if the remote side allows that), but you can't delete the commit itself from the remote side's database, so anyone who has access to that repository can find it if they know what to look for.


09-03 20:10