我有一个C ++库和一个C ++应用程序,试图使用从库中导出的函数和类.该库可以正常运行,并且可以编译应用程序,但无法链接.我收到的错误遵循以下格式:
I have a C++ library and a C++ application trying to use functions and classes exported from the library. The library builds fine and the application compiles but fails to link. The errors I get follow this form:
Classes in the library seem to be resolved just fine by the linker, but free functions and exported data (like a cosine lookup table) invariably result in the above error.
我正在使用Ubuntu 8.04(Hardy),并且它是最新的Ubuntu软件包的最新版本.
I am using Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), and it is up to date with the latest Ubuntu packages.
The command to link the library is (with other libraries removed):
g++ -fPIC -Wall -O3 -shared -Wl,-soname,lib-in-question.so -o ~/project/lib/release/lib-in-question.so
The command to link the application is (with other libraries removed):
g++ -fPIC -Wall -O3 -L~/project/lib/release -llib-in-question -o ~/project/release/app-in-question
Finally, it appears (as best as I can tell) that the symbols in question are being exported properly:
nm -D ~/project/lib/release/lib-in-question.so | grep GetStatusStr --> U _ZN3lib-namespace12GetStatusStrEi
nm输出中_ZN3lib-namespace12GetStatusStrEi之前的U表明该符号在库中为 undefined .
the U before _ZN3lib-namespace12GetStatusStrEi in the nm output shows that the symbol is undefined in the library.
Maybe it's defined in the wrong namespace: it looks like you're calling it in lib-namepace but you might be defining it in another.