

在页面的第一次加载中,图像必须显示:无.但是问题是,当我不显示任何内容时,动画功能不起作用,并且我已经放置了 .css({'display':'block'})仍然不起作用.

In the first load of the page the image have to display:none. But the problem is, when I put display none, the animate function is not working and I already put a .css({'display':'block'}) still not working.


<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $("img.fade").hover(function() {
            $(this).stop().animate({ "opacity": "1" }, 300);
            $(this).css({ 'display': 'block' });
        }, function() {
            $(this).stop().animate({ "opacity": "0" }, 300);
<style type="text/css">
    img.fade { display:none }
<img src="image.jpg" class="fade" />

如果我删除了 display:none 样式,则该样式有效,但是在首次加载页面时,则显示图像.我需要在第一次加载时将其隐藏,然后将其悬停时才会显示.

If I remove the display:none style, it is working but when the page first loads, image is showing. I need to hide it in the first load then when hovering it will show.



If something's hidden you can't hover over it, since it occupies no space in the page. Instead set it's opacity to 0 initially. Remove your CSS and you can do this:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("img.fade").hover(function() {
        $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: 1 }, 300);
    }, function() {
        $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, 300);
    }).css({ opacity: 0 });

您可以在此处进行测试.或者,删除.css({ opacity: 0 });并将CSS更改为此:

You can test it out here. Or, remove .css({ opacity: 0 }); and change your CSS to this:

img.fade { opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity=0); }



09-03 19:15