



我正在使用Azure AD构建应用程序来调用Microsoft Graph。在某些需要提升访问权限的请求中,图表在 WWW-Authenticate claim 参数c> header我需要在后续请求中使用。

I'm building an app using Azure AD to call the Microsoft Graph. In certain requests that require elevated access, the graph is issuing an HTTP 403 error with a special claims parameter inside the WWW-Authenticate header I need to use in a subsequent request.

在.NET中,如何提取标题由API生成以响应来自 HttpResponseMessage 类的Forbidden(HTTP 403)?

In .NET, how can I extract the WWW-Authenticate header produced by an API in response to a Forbidden (HTTP 403) from the HttpResponseMessage class?


Moreover, what's the best way to parse this header to extract out certain pieces of data? For instance, the response is comma separated, but also contains commas inside the chunk of data I need.


为了提取参数,您可以使用以下代码提取 WWW-Authenticate header:

In order to extract the parameter, you can use the following code to extract the WWW-Authenticate header:

HttpResponseMessage graphResponse = await httpClient.SendAsync(request);

这将提供整个标头。要不提取claim参数,您可以通过和之后的空格解析 WWW-Authenticate 标题。 HTTP的RFC没有提供明确的指导,因此它基于单个服务。对于此特定错误,它以逗号和空格分隔或通过查找声明是合适的。

This will provide the entire header. Not to extract the claims parameter, you can parse the WWW-Authenticate header by , and a space after. The RFC for HTTP does not give clear guidance so it's based on the individual service. For this particular error, it splitting by a comma and space or by looking for claims is appropriate.


09-03 18:56