

本文介绍了Silverlight的WSTrustClient返回Not Found的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我有一个SL客户端和一个WCF服务,它与StarterSTS一起使用WSTrustClient进行用户名/密码验证。 我运行了FedUtil,生成了federationmetadata.xml文件,并将WCF服务作为RP添加到ADFSv2。 我不得不合并 WIF配置代码,目前有两个单独的< service>配置文件中的条目 - 也许它应该是1? 或者也许没关系。 在我的SL客户端中,我点击两个按钮之一,用户名或Windows身份验证。 当我点击Windows Auth时,我创建了一个WSTrustClient实例,如下所示: private WSTrustClient GetWindowsWSTrustClient() { var client = new WSTrustClient( new WSTrustBindingWindows(), new EndpointAddress((" https://sp2010server.sp2010.local/adfs/services/trust / 13 / windowstransport" )), new WindowsCredentials()); return 客户; } 然后我创建RST请求 - 如何在ADFSv2中使用EndpointAddress? var rst = new RequestSecurityToken(WSTrust13Constants.KeyTypes.Symmetric) { AppliesTo = new EndpointAddress(" https://sp2010server.sp2010.local/HelloWorldService/Service1.svc/Win" ) 我的绑定,由FedUtil生成(接受我试过关闭EstablishSecurityContext)如下 < system.serviceModel > < 服务 > < 服务 名称 = " HelloWorldService.Service1 " behaviorConfiguration = " starterRP_behavior " > < 端点 地址 = " Win " binding = " ws2007FederationHttpBinding " 合同 = " HelloWorldService.IService1 " bindingConfiguration = " HelloWorldService.IService1_ws2007FederationHttpBinding " /> < 端点 绑定 = " ws2007FederationHttpBinding " bindingConfiguration = &现状t; mixedNoSession " bindingName = " MixedSecurityBindingNoSession " 合同 = " HelloWorldService.IService1 " /> < / 服务 > < / 服务 > < bindings > < ws2007FederationHttpBinding > < binding name = " mixedNoSession " > < 安全性 模式 = " ; TransportWithMessageCredential " > < 消息 establishSecurityContext = " ; false " > < issuerMetadata 地址 = " https: //sp2010server.sp2010.local/StarterSTS/users/issue.svc/mex" /> < / 消息 > < / 安全性 > < / 绑定 > < 绑定 名称 = " HelloWorldService.IService1_ws2007FederationHttpBinding " > < 安全 mode = " 消息 " > < 消息 establishSecurityContext = " false " > < issuerMetadata 地址 = " https://sp2010server.sp2010.local/adfs/services/trust/mex " /> < claimTypeRequirements > <! - 以下是STS提供的声明:http://SP2010Server.SP2010.local/adfs/services/trust'。添加或取消注释您的应用程序所需的声明,然后更新此应用程序的联合元数据.--> < 添加 claimType = " " isOptional = " true " /> < add claimType = " / role " isOptional = " true " /> ............. 解决方案 SL默认将SOAP故障显示为"未找到"。这通常可以通过切换到SL客户端HTTP堆栈来修复。 I have a SL client and a WCF service that is working with StarterSTS for username/password authentication using WSTrustClient.  I ran FedUtil, generated the federationmetadata.xml file and added the WCF service as a RP to ADFSv2.  I had to merge the WIF configuration code and currently have two separate <service> entries in the config file - maybe it should be 1?  Or maybe it doesn't matter.In my SL client i click on one of two buttons, username or windows auth.  When I click on Windows Auth I create an instance of WSTrustClient as follows: private WSTrustClient GetWindowsWSTrustClient() { var client = new WSTrustClient( new WSTrustBindingWindows(), new EndpointAddress(("https://sp2010server.sp2010.local/adfs/services/trust/13/windowstransport")), new WindowsCredentials()); return client; }Then I create the RST request -- how is the EndpointAddress used in ADFSv2? var rst = new RequestSecurityToken(WSTrust13Constants.KeyTypes.Symmetric) { AppliesTo = new EndpointAddress("https://sp2010server.sp2010.local/HelloWorldService/Service1.svc/Win") };my bindings, generated by FedUtil (accept I tried turning off EstablishSecurityContext) are as follows <system.serviceModel> <services> <service name="HelloWorldService.Service1" behaviorConfiguration="starterRP_behavior"> <endpoint address="Win" binding="ws2007FederationHttpBinding" contract="HelloWorldService.IService1" bindingConfiguration="HelloWorldService.IService1_ws2007FederationHttpBinding" /> <endpoint binding="ws2007FederationHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="mixedNoSession" bindingName="MixedSecurityBindingNoSession" contract="HelloWorldService.IService1" /> </service> </services> <bindings> <ws2007FederationHttpBinding> <binding name="mixedNoSession"> <security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential"> <message establishSecurityContext="false"> <issuerMetadata address="https://sp2010server.sp2010.local/StarterSTS/users/issue.svc/mex" /> </message> </security> </binding> <binding name="HelloWorldService.IService1_ws2007FederationHttpBinding"> <security mode="Message"> <message establishSecurityContext="false"> <issuerMetadata address="https://sp2010server.sp2010.local/adfs/services/trust/mex" /> <claimTypeRequirements> <!--Following are the claims offered by STS 'http://SP2010Server.SP2010.local/adfs/services/trust'. Add or uncomment claims that you require by your application and then update the federation metadata of this application.--> <add claimType="" isOptional="true" /> <add claimType="" isOptional="true" /> ............. 解决方案 SL shows SOAP faults by default as "not found". This can be typically fixed by switching to the SL client HTTP stack. 这篇关于Silverlight的WSTrustClient返回Not Found的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
09-03 18:54