


I have a domain user which has disable the button 'Open with Explorer' in a Library. So far, I tried:

  1. 带有IE11 32位的Windows 10(从C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Internet Explorer \ iexplore.exe运行)
  2. 用户在库和站点中都具有完全控制权
  3. 该站点包含在IE上的受信任的站点"中.
  4. 同一台PC上的其他用户可以使用资源管理器打开"库
  5. 有问题的用户在其他工作站上也有同样的问题.
  6. 我以本地管理员的身份尝试了该用户.
  7. 用户可以在Windows资源管理器上作为映射驱动器"连接到库.
  8. 在AD中复制用户,创建一个新用户,该用户与以前的用户属于同一组,并且这个新的克隆"可以用资源管理器打开"库,但是原始用户仍然有问题
  9. Webclient服务正在运行
  1. Windows 10 with IE11 32 bits (runned from C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe)
  2. The user has Full Control in the Library and also in the Site
  3. The site is included to the 'Trusted sites' on IE.
  4. Other user in the same PC can 'Open with Explorer' the Library
  5. The problematic user has the same problem in others workstations.
  6. I tried the user as local administrator.
  7. The user can connect to the Library as a 'Mapped drive' on Windows Explorer.
  8. Copied the user in the AD, creating a new user which belong to the same groups as the former user, and this new 'clone' can 'Open with Explorer' the library, but the original user yet has problem
  9. Webclient service is running

注意: 它是 如果使用Windows 2008 R2作为Sharepoint 2013 Foundation,则客户端是使用IE11的Windows 10.即使在同一OU中,AD中的Ohers用户也已启用该按钮.

note: it's a Sharepoint 2013 Foundation with Windows 2008 R2, clients are Windows 10 with IE11. Ohers user in the AD, even in the same OU, have enable the button.




Is the user facing the same issue on all lists or on specific list. Try to remove and re-add the user in the site and check the behvaior.


If still issue persist then try to run the gpupdate /force for that specific user profile and then check.



09-03 18:35