







我试图避免将我的属性文件更改为另一个位置(如/ WEB-INF /常量)。


我使用与GWT 2.5.0.rc1,它工作正常。用法:

  • 将hermes-1.2.0.jar加入war / WEB-INF / lib

  • 然后在服务器端写一些类似于

  MyConstantsWithLookup my = Hermes.get(MyConstantsWithLookup.class,de); 
String string = my.getString(key);一个属性文件 MyConstantsWithLookup.properties code> must 存在于与 MyConstantsWithLookup.java 相同的包中,即使该属性文件为空(这可能是这种情况)
  • 还要添加 MyConstantsWithLookup_de.properties 等。

  • 编译时,确保这些属性文件在您的类旁边复制。 Javac没有这样做,因此必须在额外的构建步骤中完成(Eclipse通常会自动执行此操作,但当您使用Ant进行构建时,它本身不会发生)

  • 编译服务器端时,许多编译设置将跳过client包中的java和properties文件。在这种情况下,将常量文件放在共享包中(如果有的话)。

  • I'm trying to get the constants (ConstantsWithLookup) stored in the client side in my server side, but it can't figure out how to do it. I have my constants interface and my constants properties in the same folder.

    I've tried tips of other similar threads with no success.

    I tried Hermes, gwt-i18n-server, gwt-dmesg, GTWI18N, using a ResourceBundle, trying to get source file properties.

    For the first two, it seems that the main reason is the outdated support for the newest GWT version. As for the ResourceBundle, it cannot find the properties file because at deployment, there isn't a properties file, just a Constants.class.

    I'm trying to avoid changing my properties file to another location (like /WEB-INF/constants).


    I'm using Hermes with GWT 2.5.0.rc1, and it works fine. Usage:

    • put hermes-1.2.0.jar into war/WEB-INF/lib
    • Then on the server side write something like

    MyConstantsWithLookup my = Hermes.get(MyConstantsWithLookup.class, "de");
    String string = my.getString(key);

    • A properties file MyConstantsWithLookup.properties must exist in the same package as MyConstantsWithLookup.java, even if that properties file is empty (which might be the case if you're using @DefaultStringValue etc.)
    • Also add MyConstantsWithLookup_de.properties etc.
    • Make sure, that these properties files are copied next to your classes when compiling. Javac doesn't do that, so it must be done in an additional build step (Eclipse usually does this automatically, but it won't happen by itself when you build e.g. with Ant)
    • Many build setups will skip the java and properties files from the "client" package when compiling the server side. In that case, put your constants files in the "shared" package (if you have one).


    09-03 18:21