本文介绍了用于服务器端 3D 渲染的 API的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在开发一个应用程序,需要在服务器上快速渲染简单的 3D 场景,然后通过 HTTP 将它们作为 JPEG 返回.基本上,我希望能够通过执行以下操作简单地在 HTML 页面中包含动态 3D 场景:

I'm working on an application that needs to quickly render simple 3D scenes on the server, and then return them as a JPEG via HTTP. Basically, I want to be able to simply include a dynamic 3D scene in an HTML page, by doing something like:

<img src="http://www.myserver.com/renderimage?scene=1&x=123&y=123&z=123">

我的问题是关于使用哪些技术进行渲染.在桌面应用程序中,我很自然地会使用 DirectX,但恐怕它可能不适用于服务器端应用程序,因为它可能会同时为数十甚至数百个用户创建图像.有人对这个有经验么?是否有适合此应用程序的 3D API(最好是免费提供的)?从头开始编写软件渲染器会更好吗?

My question is about what technologies to use to do the rendering. In a desktop application I would quite naturally use DirectX, but I'm afraid it might not be ideal for a server-side application that would be creating images for dozens or even hundreds of users in tandem. Does anyone have any experience with this? Is there a 3D API (preferably freely available) that would be ideal for this application? Is it better to write a software renderer from scratch?

我对使用 DirectX 或 OpenGL 的主要担忧是,它是否能在虚拟化服务器环境中正常运行,以及它是否适用于典型的服务器硬件(我几乎无法控制).

My main concerns about using DirectX or OpenGL, is whether it will function well in a virtualized server environment, and whether it makes sense with typical server hardware (over which I have little control).


mental images 的 RealityServer 旨在精确执行此处描述的操作.产品页面上提供了更多详细信息(包括可下载的开发者版).

RealityServer by mental images is designed to do precisely what is described here. More details are available on the product page (including a downloadable Developer Edition).

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09-03 18:21