




I'm trying to load Chinese words as keys, and their English translations as values from a database into a php array so then I can use them on the client side in JavaScript. So I load the PHP key:value pairs into the JavaScript array and try to output the results as key value pair as such:

stuff : Ni, You
stuff : Ta, Him or Her
stuff : Wo, I


Chinese and English words are loaded in a relational database.


$wordsArray = array();
while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) {
    $wordsArray[$row['chinese']] = $row['english'];

Javascript :这里我想要$ .each将密钥输出为字符串,而不是数字索引。所以当我尝试 var words = [<?php echo''。implode(',',$ wordsArray)。'''?>]; 作为一个数组,我得到了:

Javascript: Here I want the $.each to output the key as a string, and not a number index. So when I tried var words = [<?php echo '"'.implode('","', $wordsArray).'"' ?>]; as an array, I got:

stuff : 0, You
stuff : 1, Him or Her
stuff : 2, I


stuff : Ni, You
stuff : Ta, Him or Her
stuff : Wo, I

所以我将改为对象,以便 $ .each 可以将键输出为字符串:

So I changed words to be an object so that $.each could output key as string:

var words = {<?php echo '"'.implode('","', $wordsArray).'"' ?>};
$.each(words, function(key, value) {
    console.log('stuff : ' + key + ", " + value);

抛出错误: SyntaxError:意外的令牌,


您可以使用使数组作为 json对象喜欢,

You can use json_encode() to make array as an json object like,

var words = <?php echo json_encode($wordsArray) ?>;// don't use quotes
$.each(words, function(key, value) {
    console.log('stuff : ' + key + ", " + value);


09-03 18:15