

我拼命试图将 std :: vector< bool> 类成员公开给Python类。

I'm desperately trying to expose a std::vector<bool> class member to a Python class.

这是我的C ++类:

class Test
    std::vector<bool> test_fail;
    std::vector<double> test_ok;

访问和转换 test_ok 键入 double (或int,float,..)有效,但不适用于 bool !

While the access and conversion of test_ok of type double (or int, float, ..) works, it does not for bool!


Here is my Cython class:

cdef class pyTest:
     cdef Test* thisptr
     cdef public vector[bool] test_fail
     cdef public vector[double] test_ok

     cdef __cinit__(self):
         self.thisptr = new Test()
         self.test_fail = self.thisptr.test_fail # compiles and works if commented
         self.test_ok = self.thisptr.test_ok

     cdef __dealloc__(self):
         del self.thisptr


Error compiling Cython file:

cdef extern from *:
    ctypedef bool X 'bool'

vector.from_py:37:13: 'bool' is not a type identifier

我正在使用python 2.7.6和Cython 0.20.2(也尝试使用0.20.1)。

I'm using python 2.7.6 and Cython 0.20.2 (also tried 0.20.1).


I also tried with properties but it does not work either.

附录:我在pyx文件的顶部确实有来自libcpp cimport bool 以及矢量导入。

Addendum: I do have the from libcpp cimport bool at the top of my pyx file, as well as the vector import.


What's wrong ?? I believe this might be a bug. Anyone knows how to circumvent this ? Thanks.



I have found a valid workaround, although it may not be optimal.

我用python列表替换了 pytest 类的成员类型。

I have replaced the members types of the pytest class with python lists.


The conversion is now done implicitely, as described in the documentation: http://docs.cython.org/src/userguide/wrapping_CPlusPlus.html#standard-library


So now, my class looks like this:

cdef class pyTest:
     cdef Test* thisptr
     cdef public list test_fail #now ok
     cdef public list test_ok

     cdef __cinit__(self):
         self.thisptr = new Test()
         self.test_fail = self.thisptr.test_fail # implicit copy & conversion
         self.test_ok = self.thisptr.test_ok # implicit copy and conversion

     cdef __dealloc__(self):
         del self.thisptr


09-03 18:02