有人可以建议我如何完成webjobs的验证,然后停止并正确开始吗?目前,我正在通过PowerShell停止和启动webjobs,但是我需要在停止之后进行验证并开始进行是否正确的操作.请分享您的想法.由于我不断在网上和博客中搜索适当的解决方案,因此无法提供任何解决方案确切的解决方案.我正在使用VSTS PowerShell任务通过VSTS运行PowerShell脚本.否则,请更新任何其他方法来从VSTS验证Web作业吗?
Can anyone please suggest me how to accomplish the validation of webjobs stop and start properly happened or not ? Currently,I am stopping and starting the webjobs through PowerShell but I need to validate after the stop and start whether properly done or not.Please share your thoughts on this.As I am continuously searching online and blogs for the proper solution no once can provide the exact solution to this.I am running the PowerShell scripts through VSTS using VSTS PowerShell Task.Or else please update any other way to validate webjobs from VSTS ?
It tasks a few seconds to stop the webjob, so you can check the status after few seconds. For example:
[object]$paramObj=Get-Content "d:\a\r1\a\continuous\Scripts\Webjobs_Parameters.json" |ConvertFrom-Json
$userName =$paramObj.userName
$password =$paramObj.password
$webAppName =$paramObj.webAppName
$webJobArr=New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach($wj in $webjobs)
if($wj.typeName -eq "continuous")
Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/ContinuousWebJobs -ResourceName "$webAppName/$($wj.name)" -Action stop -ApiVersion $Apiversion -Force
Write-Host "continuous"
Write-Host "$wj.name is Stopping"
$i = 1
while($i -lt $tryCount){
$errorsJobs=New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Start-Sleep -s 5
Write-Host "starting $i try......."
$i +=1
$continuejobs=Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ResourceName $webAppName -ResourceType Microsoft.web/sites/ContinuousWebJobs -ApiVersion $Apiversion
foreach($webJob in $continuejobs)
if($webJobArr -contains $webJob.Properties.name){
if($webJob.Properties.status -ne "Stopped"){
if($errorsJobs.Count -gt 0){
$result=$errorsJobs -join ";"
Write-Host "Some jobs are not stopped: $result. Try to check again"
Write-Host "All jobs are stopped."
if(($i -eq $tryCount) -and ($errorsJobs.Count -gt 0)){
Write-Error "Some jobs are not stopped: $result."
[object]$paramObj=Get-Content "d:\a\r1\a\DSPPortalJobs\WebJobs_scripts\WebJob_list.json" |ConvertFrom-Json
$userName =$paramObj.$currentEnv.userName
$password =$paramObj.$currentEnv.password
$webAppName =$paramObj.$currentEnv.webAppName
$webJobArr=New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach($wj in $webjobs)
$i = 1
while($i -lt $tryCount){
$errorsJobs=New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Start-Sleep -s 5
Write-Host "starting $i try......."
$i +=1
$continuejobs=Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ResourceName $webAppName -ResourceType Microsoft.web/sites/ContinuousWebJobs -ApiVersion $Apiversion
foreach($webJob in $continuejobs)
if($webJobArr -contains $webJob.Properties.name){
if($webJob.Properties.status -ne "Running"){
if($errorsJobs.Count -gt 0){
$result=$errorsJobs -join ";"
Write-Host "Some jobs are not Running: $result. Try to check again"
Write-Host "All jobs are Running."
if(($i -eq $tryCount) -and ($errorsJobs.Count -gt 0)){
Write-Error "Some jobs are not Running: $result."