本文介绍了初学者的 Web 应用程序开发的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm primarily a front end developer and I've been meaning to get into server side development. I'm not new to programming per se [I've been doing a fair bit of programming for the past couple years] but I'm fairly new to server side development.

我过去曾涉足 PHP,并用它来构建简单的网站,但从未使用过 Web 应用程序.PHP 仍然是初学者的推荐调用端口吗?我听说过很多关于 Rails、Django 和 CodeIgniter 之类的框架.我应该从它们开始还是跳过这部分更好?我也是 MVC 架构的新手.

I've dabbled with PHP in the past and have used it to construct spartan websites but never web applications. Is PHP still the recommended port of call for a beginner? I've been hearing a lot about frameworks like Rails, Django and CodeIgniter. Should I start with them or is it better if I skipped this part? I'm also new to the MVC architecture for the record.


As you can see, I'm fairly off my comfort zone here and not sure where or how to start. I really appreciate any and all inputs/comments.



Two points that I see, that you are asking about:

  • 进入服务器端开发
  • 学习一门新语言


If you'd start both at the same time. You will have to deal with the language barrier as well as the hows/whats of server side development.

所以,我会从使用 PHP 的服务器端开发开始;了解它是如何工作的.因为您不必专注于语言.

So, I would start with server side development using PHP; learn how it works. Since you will not have to concentrate on the language.

然后,当您知道服务器端开发的工作原理时,如果必须,请继续使用 Ruby/etc.到那时,您将对服务器端开发的内容/方法有很好的了解;并且需要大部分时间来学习语言.

And then, when you know how server side development works, if you must, move on to Ruby/etc. By then you will be having fair idea of whats/hows of server side development; and would require most time learning the language.


Following might help:

这篇关于初学者的 Web 应用程序开发的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 17:31