我试图使用Ajax来获取一个HTML页面,然后通过它的ID拉出一个div,并将该DIV插入到当前页面中。因此,当前页面通过Ajax加载第二页,将div从Ajax响应中拉出并插入到当前页面中。但是我感到失落,除非这个回应是text / xml,我不能使用任何DOM函数...可以吗?
$ .ajax(
{url:$ url,
data:$ data,
dataType :'xml',
// Jquery find< mytag attribute =foo> ...< / mytag>并存储在mydata
var mydata = $(returnData).find('mytag [attribute = foo]');
//插入到当前页面到class =after-me的某个位置
$ -me')。html(mydata);
I'm trying to use Ajax to fetch an HTML page and then pull out a div by it's ID, and insert that DIV into the current page. So the current page loads (via Ajax) a second page, pulls the div out of the Ajax response and inserts into the current page. However I am at a loss as unless the response is text/xml, I cannot use any DOM functions on it... can I?
Jquery (or other libraries??) will basically do all this for you. I highly recommend looking into this and not reinventing the wheel.
For query it would probably like:
// Make a call to url, with data
{ url: $url,
data: $data,
dataType: 'xml',
callback: function(returnData) {
// Jquery find <mytag attribute="foo">...</mytag> and store it in mydata
var mydata = $(returnData).find('mytag[attribute=foo]');
// Insert into current page to somewhere with class="after-me"
I may have the syntax wrong. But here is the docs: http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajax#options
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