本文介绍了在 ...libMumbleKit.a 中缺少必需的架构 x86_64(3 个切片)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试将 MumbleKit 作为库包含在内,而不是每次都按照本论坛成员的建议进行编译.然而,当我尝试在模拟器上编译时,我得到:

I am trying to include MumbleKit as a library instead of having to compile it each time by following the suggestion of a member of this forum. Yet when I try to compile on the simulator I get:

在……libMumbleKit.a(3 个切片)中缺少 x86_64 所需的架构

我想我在生成库之前向 MumbleKit 添加了所有必要的版本:

I think I added all the necessary versions to MumbleKit before generating the library:

arm64 armv7 armv7s armv7k arm7s x86_64 i386


notwithstanding, when I execute:

lipo -info libMumbleKit.a


fat 文件中的架构:libMumbleKit.a 是:armv7 armv7s arm64

以及将 Build Active Architecture 配置为 NO.我使用通用 iOS 设备和 iOS 9 物理设备为 MumbleKit 生成了库.

as well as configuring Build Active Architecture to NO.I generated the library for MumbleKit both using the Generic iOS device and a iOS 9 physical device.

在以相同方式提取 Mumble 库后,当我尝试使用通用 iOS 设备选项进行存档时,出现错误:

When I try to archive using the Generic iOS Device option after having extracted the Mumble library in the same way, I instead get error:

ld:无法生成位码包,因为'/用户/fbartolom/文件/可可应用程序/inArrivoHD/MumbleKit/libMumbleKit.a(CryptState.o)' 是没有完整的位码构建.位码的所有目标文件和库必须从 Xcode Archive 或 Install build for architecture 生成armv7


Same when using my physical device after also generating the library in the correspondent way:

ld:无法生成位码包,因为'/用户/fbartolom/文件/可可应用程序/inArrivoHD/MumbleKit/libMumbleKit.a(CryptState.o)' 是没有完整的位码构建.位码的所有目标文件和库必须从 Xcode Archive 或 Install build for architecture 生成arm64

最后在我的 iOS 9 iPhone 6S 上安装顺利,警告中的内容相同:

And finally the installation on my iOS 9 iPhone 6S went fine with just the same contents in the warning:

ld:无法生成位码包,因为'/用户/fbartolom/文件/可可应用程序/inArrivoHD/MumbleKit/libMumbleKit.a(CryptState.o)' 是没有完整的位码构建.位码的所有目标文件和库必须从 Xcode Archive 或 Install build for architecture 生成arm64

CryptState.cpp 如果库中的 C++ 文件.

CryptState.cpp if a c++ file in the library.


我中止了尝试.原来的 mumble kit 项目肯定有问题,不允许将其库导入到另一个项目中,或者我也不知道该怎么做.

I aborted the attempt. There must be something faulty in the original mumble kit project not allowing to import its library into another project, or I do not know how to do it anyway.

这篇关于在 ...libMumbleKit.a 中缺少必需的架构 x86_64(3 个切片)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 16:56