本文介绍了如何呈现Android的YUV-NV21摄像机图像上在libgdx与OpenGLES 2.0实时背景?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


不像Android的,我是比较新的GL / libgdx。我需要解决,即呈现到Android相机的YUV-NV21 preVIEW图像屏幕背景内部libgdx实时的任务是多方面的。以下是主要关注点:

Unlike Android, I'm relatively new to GL/libgdx. The task I need to solve, namely rendering the Android camera's YUV-NV21 preview image to the screen background inside libgdx in real time is multi-faceted. Here are the main concerns:

  1. Android摄像头的preVIEW图像只能保证是在YUV-NV21空间(以及类似的YV12空间,U和V通道不交错,但分组)。假设最现代化的设备将提供隐式RGB转换是非常错误的,如最新的三星注10.1 2014年版本只提供了YUV格式。因为没有什么可以吸引到屏幕在OpenGL除非是在RGB的色彩空间必须以某种方式进行转换。

  1. Android camera's preview image is only guaranteed to be in the YUV-NV21 space (and in the similar YV12 space where U and V channels are not interleaved but grouped). Assuming that most modern devices will provide implicit RGB conversion is VERY wrong, e.g the newest Samsung Note 10.1 2014 version only provides the YUV formats. Since nothing can be drawn to the screen in OpenGL unless it is in RGB, the color space must somehow be converted.

在libgdx文档中的示例(整合libgdx和设备相机)采用了Android的表面观点,即低于一切与GLES 1.1绘制图像上。自2014年3月的开始,OpenGLES 1.x的支持,从libgdx删除,由于是过时的,几乎所有的设备现在支持GLES 2.0。如果你尝试同样的样品与GLES 2.0,在3D对象绘制的图像将是半透明。由于表面背后都有无关GL,这不能真正得到控制。禁用混合/半透明不起作用。因此,使这一形象必须纯粹GL完成。

The example in the libgdx documentation (Integrating libgdx and the device camera) uses an Android surface view that is below everything to draw the image on with GLES 1.1. Since the beginning of March 2014, OpenGLES 1.x support is removed from libgdx due to being obsolete and nearly all devices now supporting GLES 2.0. If you try the same sample with GLES 2.0, the 3D objects you draw on the image will be half-transparent. Since the surface behind has nothing to do with GL, this cannot really be controlled. Disabling BLENDING/TRANSLUCENCY does not work. Therefore, rendering this image must be done purely in GL.


This has to be done in real-time, so the color space conversion must be VERY fast. Software conversion using Android bitmaps will probably be too slow.

作为一个边功能,相机图像必须从Android code访问,以便比在屏幕上绘制它,例如通过JNI其发送到本机图像处理器来执行其他任务。

As a side-feature, the camera image must be accessible from the Android code in order to perform other tasks than drawing it on the screen, e.g sending it to a native image processor through JNI.


The question is, how is this task done properly and as fast as possible?


简短的回答是加载摄像机图像通道(Y,UV)为材质,并使用自定义的片段着色器,将做得出这些纹理到网色彩空间转换我们。由于该着色器将在GPU上运行,这将是比CPU更快,当然多少比Java code快得多。由于这是目GL的一部分,任何其他三维形状或子画面可以安全地拉过或在其下。

The short answer is to load the camera image channels (Y,UV) into textures and draw these textures onto a Mesh using a custom fragment shader that will do the color space conversion for us. Since this shader will be running on the GPU, it will be much faster than CPU and certainly much much faster than the Java code. Since this mesh is part of GL, any other 3D shapes or sprites can be safely drawn over or under it.

我解决了这个答案 http://stackoverflow.com/a/17615696/1525238 启动的问题。我使用下面的链接了解的一般方法:如何使用摄影机视图与OpenGL ES的,它对于八达写,但原理是一样的。该转换公式有一个有点怪异,所以我代替他们与那些在维基百科的文章 YUV转换为/从RGB

I solved the problem starting from this answer http://stackoverflow.com/a/17615696/1525238. I understood the general method using the following link: How to use camera view with OpenGL ES, it is written for Bada but the principles are the same. The conversion formulas there were a bit weird so I replaced them with the ones in the Wikipedia article YUV Conversion to/from RGB.


The following are the steps leading to the solution:



Live images from the Android camera are preview images. The default color space (and one of the two guaranteed color spaces) is YUV-NV21 for camera preview. The explanation of this format is very scattered, so I'll explain it here briefly:

图片数据是由(宽×高)×3/2 的字节。第一次的宽度×高度的字节是Y通道,1个字节的亮度为每个像素。下面的(宽度/ 2)×(高度/ 2)×2 =宽度×高度/ 2 的字节是UV平面。每两个连续字节是V,U(按此顺序根据NV21规范)色度字节的的 2×2 = 4 的原始像素。换句话说,在UV平面是(宽度/ 2)×(高度/ 2)的像素的大小,并通过的 2 的每一维的系数被向下取样。另外,U,V色度字节交织。

The image data is made of (width x height) x 3/2 bytes. The first width x height bytes are the Y channel, 1 brightness byte for each pixel. The following (width / 2) x (height / 2) x 2 = width x height / 2 bytes are the UV plane. Each two consecutive bytes are the V,U (in that order according to the NV21 specification) chroma bytes for the 2 x 2 = 4 original pixels. In other words, the UV plane is (width / 2) x (height / 2) pixels in size and is downsampled by a factor of 2 in each dimension. In addition, the U,V chroma bytes are interleaved.


Here is a very nice image that explains the YUV-NV12, NV21 is just U,V bytes flipped:


由于在这个问题指出,这种转换会花费太多时间,如果做里面的Andr​​oid code是活的。幸运的是,它可以在GL着色器,它运行在GPU中完成。这将允许它运行速度非常快。

As stated in the question, this conversion would take too much time to be live if done inside the Android code. Luckily, it can be done inside a GL shader, which runs on the GPU. This will allow it to run VERY fast.


The general idea is to pass the our image's channels as textures to the shader and render them in a way that does RGB conversion. For this, we have to first copy the channels in our image to buffers that can be passed to textures:

byte[] image;
ByteBuffer yBuffer, uvBuffer;


yBuffer.put(image, 0, width*height);

uvBuffer.put(image, width*height, width*height/2);


Then, we pass these buffers to actual GL textures:

 * Prepare the Y channel texture

//Set texture slot 0 as active and bind our texture object to it

//Y texture is (width*height) in size and each pixel is one byte;
//by setting GL_LUMINANCE, OpenGL puts this byte into R,G and B
//components of the texture
Gdx.gl.glTexImage2D(GL20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL20.GL_LUMINANCE,
    width, height, 0, GL20.GL_LUMINANCE, GL20.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, yBuffer);

//Use linear interpolation when magnifying/minifying the texture to
//areas larger/smaller than the texture size

 * Prepare the UV channel texture

//Set texture slot 1 as active and bind our texture object to it

//UV texture is (width/2*height/2) in size (downsampled by 2 in
//both dimensions, each pixel corresponds to 4 pixels of the Y channel)
//and each pixel is two bytes. By setting GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, OpenGL
//puts first byte (V) into R,G and B components and of the texture
//and the second byte (U) into the A component of the texture. That's
//why we find U and V at A and R respectively in the fragment shader code.
//Note that we could have also found V at G or B as well.
    width/2, height/2, 0, GL20.GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL20.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,

//Use linear interpolation when magnifying/minifying the texture to
//areas larger/smaller than the texture size

接下来,我们渲染网格,我们$ P $较早ppared(覆盖整个屏幕)。着色器将渲染绑定纹理网格上的照顾:

Next, we render the mesh we prepared earlier (covers the entire screen). The shader will take care of rendering the bound textures on the mesh:


//Set the uniform y_texture object to the texture at slot 0
shader.setUniformi("y_texture", 0);

//Set the uniform uv_texture object to the texture at slot 1
shader.setUniformi("uv_texture", 1);

mesh.render(shader, GL20.GL_TRIANGLES);


Finally, the shader takes over the task of rendering our textures to the mesh. The fragment shader that achieves the actual conversion looks like the following:

String fragmentShader =
    "#ifdef GL_ES\n" +
    "precision highp float;\n" +
    "#endif\n" +

    "varying vec2 v_texCoord;\n" +
    "uniform sampler2D y_texture;\n" +
    "uniform sampler2D uv_texture;\n" +

    "void main (void){\n" +
    "   float r, g, b, y, u, v;\n" +

    //We had put the Y values of each pixel to the R,G,B components by
    //GL_LUMINANCE, that's why we're pulling it from the R component,
    //we could also use G or B
    "   y = texture2D(y_texture, v_texCoord).r;\n" +

    //We had put the U and V values of each pixel to the A and R,G,B
    //components of the texture respectively using GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA.
    //Since U,V bytes are interspread in the texture, this is probably
    //the fastest way to use them in the shader
    "   u = texture2D(uv_texture, v_texCoord).a - 0.5;\n" +
    "   v = texture2D(uv_texture, v_texCoord).r - 0.5;\n" +

    //The numbers are just YUV to RGB conversion constants
    "   r = y + 1.13983*v;\n" +
    "   g = y - 0.39465*u - 0.58060*v;\n" +
    "   b = y + 2.03211*u;\n" +

    //We finally set the RGB color of our pixel
    "   gl_FragColor = vec4(r, g, b, 1.0);\n" +

请注意,我们使用的是相同的坐标变量 v_texCoord 访问Y和UV贴图,这是由于 v_texCoord 之间的 -1.0 和 1.0 的其中缩放从纹理的一端到另一相对于实际的纹理像素坐标。这是着色器的最好的功能之一。

Please note that we are accessing the Y and UV textures using the same coordinate variable v_texCoord, this is due to v_texCoord being between -1.0 and 1.0 which scales from one end of the texture to the other as opposed to actual texture pixel coordinates. This is one of the nicest features of shaders.

的完整源$ C ​​$ C


Since libgdx is cross-platform, we need an object that can be extended differently in different platforms that handles the device camera and rendering. For example, you might want to bypass YUV-RGB shader conversion altogether if you can get the hardware to provide you with RGB images. For this reason, we need a device camera controller interface that will be implemented by each different platform:

public interface PlatformDependentCameraController {

    void init();

    void renderBackground();

    void destroy();


The Android version of this interface is as follows (the live camera image is assumed to be 1280x720 pixels):

public class AndroidDependentCameraController implements PlatformDependentCameraController, Camera.PreviewCallback {

    private static byte[] image; //The image buffer that will hold the camera image when preview callback arrives

    private Camera camera; //The camera object

    //The Y and UV buffers that will pass our image channel data to the textures
    private ByteBuffer yBuffer;
    private ByteBuffer uvBuffer;

    ShaderProgram shader; //Our shader
    Texture yTexture; //Our Y texture
    Texture uvTexture; //Our UV texture
    Mesh mesh; //Our mesh that we will draw the texture on

    public AndroidDependentCameraController(){

        //Our YUV image is 12 bits per pixel
        image = new byte[1280*720/8*12];

    public void init(){

         * Initialize the OpenGL/libgdx stuff

        //Do not enforce power of two texture sizes

        //Allocate textures
        yTexture = new Texture(1280,720,Format.Intensity); //A 8-bit per pixel format
        uvTexture = new Texture(1280/2,720/2,Format.LuminanceAlpha); //A 16-bit per pixel format

        //Allocate buffers on the native memory space, not inside the JVM heap
        yBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1280*720);
        uvBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1280*720/2); //We have (width/2*height/2) pixels, each pixel is 2 bytes

        //Our vertex shader code; nothing special
        String vertexShader =
                "attribute vec4 a_position;                         \n" +
                "attribute vec2 a_texCoord;                         \n" +
                "varying vec2 v_texCoord;                           \n" +

                "void main(){                                       \n" +
                "   gl_Position = a_position;                       \n" +
                "   v_texCoord = a_texCoord;                        \n" +
                "}                                                  \n";

        //Our fragment shader code; takes Y,U,V values for each pixel and calculates R,G,B colors,
        //Effectively making YUV to RGB conversion
        String fragmentShader =
                "#ifdef GL_ES                                       \n" +
                "precision highp float;                             \n" +
                "#endif                                             \n" +

                "varying vec2 v_texCoord;                           \n" +
                "uniform sampler2D y_texture;                       \n" +
                "uniform sampler2D uv_texture;                      \n" +

                "void main (void){                                  \n" +
                "   float r, g, b, y, u, v;                         \n" +

                //We had put the Y values of each pixel to the R,G,B components by GL_LUMINANCE,
                //that's why we're pulling it from the R component, we could also use G or B
                "   y = texture2D(y_texture, v_texCoord).r;         \n" +

                //We had put the U and V values of each pixel to the A and R,G,B components of the
                //texture respectively using GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA. Since U,V bytes are interspread
                //in the texture, this is probably the fastest way to use them in the shader
                "   u = texture2D(uv_texture, v_texCoord).a - 0.5;  \n" +
                "   v = texture2D(uv_texture, v_texCoord).r - 0.5;  \n" +

                //The numbers are just YUV to RGB conversion constants
                "   r = y + 1.13983*v;                              \n" +
                "   g = y - 0.39465*u - 0.58060*v;                  \n" +
                "   b = y + 2.03211*u;                              \n" +

                //We finally set the RGB color of our pixel
                "   gl_FragColor = vec4(r, g, b, 1.0);              \n" +
                "}                                                  \n";

        //Create and compile our shader
        shader = new ShaderProgram(vertexShader, fragmentShader);

        //Create our mesh that we will draw on, it has 4 vertices corresponding to the 4 corners of the screen
        mesh = new Mesh(true, 4, 6,
                new VertexAttribute(Usage.Position, 2, "a_position"),
                new VertexAttribute(Usage.TextureCoordinates, 2, "a_texCoord"));

        //The vertices include the screen coordinates (between -1.0 and 1.0) and texture coordinates (between 0.0 and 1.0)
        float[] vertices = {
                -1.0f,  1.0f,   // Position 0
                0.0f,   0.0f,   // TexCoord 0
                -1.0f,  -1.0f,  // Position 1
                0.0f,   1.0f,   // TexCoord 1
                1.0f,   -1.0f,  // Position 2
                1.0f,   1.0f,   // TexCoord 2
                1.0f,   1.0f,   // Position 3
                1.0f,   0.0f    // TexCoord 3

        //The indices come in trios of vertex indices that describe the triangles of our mesh
        short[] indices = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3};

        //Set vertices and indices to our mesh

         * Initialize the Android camera
        camera = Camera.open(0);

        //We set the buffer ourselves that will be used to hold the preview image

        //Set the camera parameters
        Camera.Parameters params = camera.getParameters();

        //Start the preview

        //Set the first buffer, the preview doesn't start unless we set the buffers

    public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera) {

        //Send the buffer reference to the next preview so that a new buffer is not allocated and we use the same space

    public void renderBackground() {

         * Because of Java's limitations, we can't reference the middle of an array and
         * we must copy the channels in our byte array into buffers before setting them to textures

        //Copy the Y channel of the image into its buffer, the first (width*height) bytes are the Y channel
        yBuffer.put(image, 0, 1280*720);

        //Copy the UV channels of the image into their buffer, the following (width*height/2) bytes are the UV channel; the U and V bytes are interspread
        uvBuffer.put(image, 1280*720, 1280*720/2);

         * Prepare the Y channel texture

        //Set texture slot 0 as active and bind our texture object to it

        //Y texture is (width*height) in size and each pixel is one byte; by setting GL_LUMINANCE, OpenGL puts this byte into R,G and B components of the texture
        Gdx.gl.glTexImage2D(GL20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL20.GL_LUMINANCE, 1280, 720, 0, GL20.GL_LUMINANCE, GL20.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, yBuffer);

        //Use linear interpolation when magnifying/minifying the texture to areas larger/smaller than the texture size
        Gdx.gl.glTexParameterf(GL20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL20.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL20.GL_LINEAR);
        Gdx.gl.glTexParameterf(GL20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL20.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL20.GL_LINEAR);
        Gdx.gl.glTexParameterf(GL20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL20.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL20.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
        Gdx.gl.glTexParameterf(GL20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL20.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL20.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);

         * Prepare the UV channel texture

        //Set texture slot 1 as active and bind our texture object to it

        //UV texture is (width/2*height/2) in size (downsampled by 2 in both dimensions, each pixel corresponds to 4 pixels of the Y channel)
        //and each pixel is two bytes. By setting GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, OpenGL puts first byte (V) into R,G and B components and of the texture
        //and the second byte (U) into the A component of the texture. That's why we find U and V at A and R respectively in the fragment shader code.
        //Note that we could have also found V at G or B as well.
        Gdx.gl.glTexImage2D(GL20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL20.GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, 1280/2, 720/2, 0, GL20.GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL20.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, uvBuffer);

        //Use linear interpolation when magnifying/minifying the texture to areas larger/smaller than the texture size
        Gdx.gl.glTexParameterf(GL20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL20.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL20.GL_LINEAR);
        Gdx.gl.glTexParameterf(GL20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL20.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL20.GL_LINEAR);
        Gdx.gl.glTexParameterf(GL20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL20.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL20.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
        Gdx.gl.glTexParameterf(GL20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL20.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL20.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);

         * Draw the textures onto a mesh using our shader


        //Set the uniform y_texture object to the texture at slot 0
        shader.setUniformi("y_texture", 0);

        //Set the uniform uv_texture object to the texture at slot 1
        shader.setUniformi("uv_texture", 1);

        //Render our mesh using the shader, which in turn will use our textures to render their content on the mesh
        mesh.render(shader, GL20.GL_TRIANGLES);

    public void destroy() {

主要应用部分只是确保的init()被调用一次的开始, renderBackground()是叫每一个渲染周期破坏()被调用一次到底:

The main application part just ensures that init() is called once in the beginning, renderBackground() is called every render cycle and destroy() is called once in the end:

public class YourApplication implements ApplicationListener {

    private final PlatformDependentCameraController deviceCameraControl;

    public YourApplication(PlatformDependentCameraController cameraControl) {
        this.deviceCameraControl = cameraControl;

    public void create() {

    public void render() {
        Gdx.gl.glViewport(0, 0, Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight());
        Gdx.gl.glClear(GL20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL20.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);

        //Render the background that is the live camera image

         * Render anything here (sprites/models etc.) that you want to go on top of the camera image

    public void dispose() {

    public void resize(int width, int height) {

    public void pause() {

    public void resume() {

只有其他Android专用的部分是下面的极短主要的Andr​​oid code,你只需要创建一个新的Andr​​oid特定的设备摄像头处理程序,并把它传递给主libgdx对象:

The only other Android-specific part is the following extremely short main Android code, you just create a new Android specific device camera handler and pass it to the main libgdx object:

public class MainActivity extends AndroidApplication {

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        AndroidApplicationConfiguration cfg = new AndroidApplicationConfiguration();
        cfg.useGL20 = true; //This line is obsolete in the newest libgdx version
        cfg.a = 8;
        cfg.b = 8;
        cfg.g = 8;
        cfg.r = 8;

        PlatformDependentCameraController cameraControl = new AndroidDependentCameraController();
        initialize(new YourApplication(cameraControl), cfg);




I tested this routine on two devices. While the measurements are not constant across frames, a general profile can be observed:

  1. 三星Galaxy Note II LTE - (GT-N7105)拥有的ARM Mali-400 MP4 GPU。

  1. Samsung Galaxy Note II LTE - (GT-N7105): Has ARM Mali-400 MP4 GPU.

  • 渲染一帧需要大约5-6毫秒,偶尔跳跃至约15毫秒每两秒钟
  • 在实际的渲染管线( mesh.render(着色器,GL20.GL_TRIANGLES); )始终需要0-1毫秒
  • 创建和两个纹理的结合始终需要1-3毫秒总
  • 在ByteBuffer的副本一般需要1-3毫秒,但总跳跃到周围7毫秒偶尔,可能是由于图像缓冲JVM堆中四处移动
  • Rendering one frame takes around 5-6 ms, with occasional jumps to around 15 ms every couple of seconds
  • Actual rendering line (mesh.render(shader, GL20.GL_TRIANGLES);) consistently takes 0-1 ms
  • Creation and binding of both textures consistently take 1-3 ms in total
  • ByteBuffer copies generally take 1-3 ms in total but jump to around 7ms occasionally, probably due to the image buffer being moved around in the JVM heap

三星Galaxy Note 10.1 2014年 - (SM-P600):拥有ARM的Mali-T628 GPU。

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 - (SM-P600): Has ARM Mali-T628 GPU.

  • 渲染一帧需要大约2-4毫秒,拥有罕见的跳约6-10毫秒
  • 在实际的渲染管线( mesh.render(着色器,GL20.GL_TRIANGLES); )始终需要0-1毫秒
  • 创建和两个纹理的结合需要1-3毫秒,但总跳跃到周围6-9毫秒每两秒钟
  • 在ByteBuffer的副本一般需要0-2毫秒,但总跳跃到6ms的周围很少
  • Rendering one frame takes around 2-4 ms, with rare jumps to around 6-10 ms
  • Actual rendering line (mesh.render(shader, GL20.GL_TRIANGLES);) consistently takes 0-1 ms
  • Creation and binding of both textures take 1-3 ms in total but jump to around 6-9 ms every couple of seconds
  • ByteBuffer copies generally take 0-2 ms in total but jump to around 6ms very rarely


Please don't hesitate to share if you think that these profiles can be made faster with some other method. Hope this little tutorial helped.

这篇关于如何呈现Android的YUV-NV21摄像机图像上在libgdx与OpenGLES 2.0实时背景?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 16:41