我在从 SF2.0.x 迁移到 SF2.7 的应用程序中收到此错误:
I'm getting this error in a app I am migrating from SF2.0.x to SF2.7:
[1] SymfonyComponentDebugExceptionFatalErrorException: Compile Error: Cannot use isset() on the result of an expression (you can use "null !== expression" instead)
at n/a
in /var/www/html/reptooln_admin/app/cache/dev/twig/68/7f/63589dd3687cb849dd68e6b6c10aa99eda1d82f95a5f3ac52a864d200499.php line 39
我不知道出了什么问题或如何解决这个问题,所以我需要一些建议.这是报告 Stacktrace 的缓存文件中的行:
I don't know what is failing or how to fix this so I need some advise. This is the line at cache file where the Stacktrace is reported:
if ((((empty((isset($context["form_action"]) ? $context["form_action"] : $this->getContext($context, "form_action"))) == true) || (isnull((isset($context["form_action"]) ? $context["form_action"] : $this->getContext($context, "form_action"))) == true)) || (isset((isset($context["form_action"]) ? $context["form_action"] : $this->getContext($context, "form_action"))) == false))) {
echo " ";
$context["form_action"] = "";
echo " ";
我有这个 TwigExtension:
What I have this TwigExtension:
class PDOneTwigExtension extends Twig_Extension
public function getFilters()
return array(
'var_dump' => new Twig_Filter_Function('var_dump'),
'empty' => new Twig_Filter_Function('empty', array($this, 'is_empty')),
'isset' => new Twig_Filter_Function('isset', array($this, 'is_set')),
'isnull' => new Twig_Filter_Function('isnull', array($this, 'is_null')),
'ucfirst' => new Twig_Filter_Function('ucfirst', array($this, 'uc_first')),
'ucwords' => new Twig_Filter_Function('ucwords', array($this, 'uc_words')),
'count' => new Twig_Filter_Function('count', array($this, 'co_unt')),
'sizeof' => new Twig_Filter_Function('sizeof', array($this, 'size_of')),
'concat' => new Twig_Filter_Function('concat', array($this, 'concat')),
'in_array' => new Twig_Filter_Function('in_array', array($this, 'inarray')),
'array' => new Twig_Filter_Function('array', array($this, 'array_')),
'add_to_array' => new Twig_Filter_Function('add_to_array', array($this, 'add_to_array')),
'replace' => new Twig_Filter_Function('replace', array($this, 'replace')),
'htmlentitydecode' => new Twig_Filter_Function('htmlentitydecode', array($this, 'htmlentitydecode'))
public function is_empty($sentence)
return empty($sentence) ? true : false;
// rest of methods goes here
public function getName()
return 'pdone_twig_extension';
{% if form_action|empty == true or form_action|isnull == true or form_action|isset == false %} {% set form_action = '' %} {% endif %}
Where could be the issue here? Any advice?
来自 文档一个>:
isset() 仅适用于变量,因为传递任何其他内容都会导致解析错误.
您没有直接将变量传递给 isset()
You're not directly passing a variable to isset()
. So you need to calculate the value first, assign it to a variable, and then pass that to isset()
For example, what you're doing at the moment is something like:
if(isset($something === false)) { } // throws a parse error, because $something === false is not a variable
$something = false;
if(isset($something)) { ... }
这篇关于编译错误:不能对表达式的结果使用 isset()的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!