我的目标是编写一个Java applet应用程序,该应用程序在客户端计算机上的一个临时目录中写入一个word文档(该文档是从DB提取的),然后使用Jacob来打开该文档.
My goal is to write an java applet application that writes a word document(this document is fetched from DB)in a temporary directory on client machine and opens that document using Jacob.
Through Jacob I need to keep the handle to the opened document, so that after the user closes the document I need to save it back to the DB with the changes.
也就是说,我想知道的第一件事是当用户关闭/退出MS Word文档时如何通过Jacob捕获关闭/退出事件.我该如何实现?
That said, the first thing I want to know is how to capture a close/exit event through Jacob when the user closes/exits the MS Word document. How can I achieve this?
我尝试了以下代码,该代码基于我在此答案中看到的代码: https://stackoverflow.com/a /12332421/3813385 ,但是它只会打开文档,而不会监听关闭事件...
I tried the code below, which is based in the code i saw in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12332421/3813385 but it only opens the document and does not listen the closing event...
package demo;
import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;
import com.jacob.com.Dispatch;
import com.jacob.com.DispatchEvents;
import com.jacob.com.Variant;
public class WordEventTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
WordEventTest wordEventTest = new WordEventTest();
public void execute() {
String strDir = "D:\\fabricasw\\workspace\\jacob\\WebContent\\docs\\";
String strInputDoc = strDir + "file_in.doc";
String pid = "Word.Application";
ActiveXComponent axc = new ActiveXComponent(pid);
axc.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(true));
Dispatch oDocuments = axc.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch();
Dispatch oDocument = Dispatch.call(oDocuments, "Open", strInputDoc).toDispatch();
WordEventHandler w = new WordEventHandler();
new DispatchEvents(oDocument, w);
public class WordEventHandler {
public void Close(Variant[] arguments) {
System.out.println("closed word document");
如果您发布一些显示代码的Java代码,我将不胜感激.至少如何获取Microsoft Word文档的内容以及如何检测应用程序关闭事件.
对于处理事件,我从此站点获得了帮助: http://danadler.com/jacob/
For handling events, I got help from this site:http://danadler.com/jacob/
Here is my solution that work:
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.jacob.com.DispatchEvents;
import com.jacob.com.Variant;
import com.microsoft.word.WordApplication;
import com.microsoft.word.WordDocument;
import com.microsoft.word.WordDocuments;
public class WordEventDemo {
private WordApplication wordApp = null;
private WordDocuments wordDocs = null;
private WordDocument wordDoc = null;
private WordAppEventListener wordAppEventListener = null;
private WordDocEventListener wordDocEventListener = null;
private List<DispatchEvents> dispatchEvents = new ArrayList<DispatchEvents>();
public WordEventDemo() {
* Start Word, open the document and register listener to Word events
* @param docId
* The id of the document in the database
public void start(String filename) throws Exception {
// get document from DB
File fFile = new File(filename); // replace by your code to retrieve file from your DB
// open document
// create WORD instance
wordApp = new WordApplication();
// get document list
wordDocs = wordApp.getDocuments();
Object oFile = fFile.getAbsolutePath();
Object oConversion = new Boolean(false);
Object oReadOnly = new Boolean(false);
wordDoc = wordDocs.Open(oFile, oConversion, oReadOnly);
// register listeners for the word app and document
wordAppEventListener = new WordAppEventListener();
dispatchEvents.add(new DispatchEvents(wordApp, wordAppEventListener));
wordDocEventListener = new WordDocEventListener();
dispatchEvents.add(new DispatchEvents(wordDoc, wordDocEventListener));
// This is the event interface for the word application
public class WordAppEventListener {
public WordAppEventListener() {
* Triggered when the Word Application is closed.
public void Quit(Variant[] args) {
// Perform operations on "Quit" event
System.out.println("quitting Word!");
* Event called by Word Application when it attempt to save a file.<br>
* For Microsoft API reference, see <a
* href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff838299%28v=office.14%29.aspx"
* >http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff838299%28v=office.14%29.aspx</a>
* @param args
* An array of 3 Variants (WARNING, they are not in the same order indicated in the msdn link)
* @param args
* [0] <b>Cancel</b> : False when the event occurs. If the event procedure sets this argument to
* True, the document is not saved when the procedure is finished.
* @param args
* [1] <b>SaveAsUI</b> : True to display the Save As dialog box.
* @param args
* [2] <b>Doc</b> : The document that is being saved.
public void DocumentBeforeSave(Variant[] args) {
// Perform operations on "DocumentBeforeSave" event
System.out.println("saving Word Document");
// This is the event interface for a word document
public class WordDocEventListener {
* Triggered when a Word Document is closed.
* @param args
public void Close(Variant[] args) {
// Perform operations on "Close" event
System.out.println("closing document");
Then I call it simply like the following:
WordEventDemo fixture = new WordEventDemo();
// add a waiting mechanism (could be linked to the close or quit event), to make it simple here
这篇关于Java,Jacob和Microsoft Word:如何正确处理事件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!