I have a library with a storyboard and controller classes that implement iOS state preservation.
To launch the library from the main app's delegate, I use the following:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds];
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
self.window.rootViewController = myLibrary.sharedInstance.firstController;
return YES;
Then inside my library, firstController is created with:
- ( UIViewController * _Nullable ) firstController
UIStoryboard *storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"libraryMain"
bundle:[NSBundle bundleForClass:self.class]];
return [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"firstController"];
So far so good. It starts the library's view controller that uses the library's "libraryMain" storyboard.
In the main app's delegate, I've also added shouldSaveApplicationState and shouldRestoreApplicationState, both of which return YES.
When my app goes to the background, iOS correctly calls shouldSaveApplicationState in delegate and proceeds to call the library's controller's encodeRestorableStateWithCoder methods.
However, when it tries to restore, iOS correctly calls the main app delegate's shouldRestoreApplicationState method, but then immediately crashes with the following exception:
Exception occurred restoring state Could not find a storyboard named 'libraryMain' in bundle ... Main App.app
So iOS is looking for the libraryMain storyboard in the main app's bundle. How do I get iOS to look in the library's bundle? Or is it just not possible to implement state restoration in an iOS library?
If the 'libraryMain' is a static library that you link to the main app, then it doesn't contain the storyboard files, and the iOS is missing the file in the main bundle (unless you specifically provide it).
The reason is that static libraries are archives of the compiled code, and the resources have to be included separately. In this case, you need to find a way to bundle your resources - either including the 'libraryMain' storyboard directly into the main app or creating a "resource" bundle.
If the 'libraryMain' is a framework with a storyboard file inside, then there are some workarounds.
关于状态保存说明的文档 iOS检查两个位置以还原控制器的地方:
The documentation about the state preservation notes that there are two places that iOS checks in order to restore the controller:
- viewControllerWithRestorationIdentifierPath:coder:类(在您的问题中为firstController类).在这里您可以创建和配置第一个控制器的实例
- application:viewControllerWithRestorationIdentifierPath:coder:应用程序委托.在这里,您可以基于还原路径创建该类的实例.
- viewControllerWithRestorationIdentifierPath:coder: of the restoration class (firstController class, in your question). Here you can create and configure the instance of the first controller
- application:viewControllerWithRestorationIdentifierPath:coder: of the app delegate. Here you can create the instance of the class based on the restoration path.
Both of the options above look like workarounds as I don't have the actual setup of your project to reproduce the problem.
这篇关于iOS库中是否可以恢复iOS状态? -找不到名为的情节提要的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!