




I'm new to android and Java. I want to make an onClick method which carries an int argument, so this is my attempt:

public void randomClick(final int randomIndex)
      private OnClickListener top_listener = new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
                    Intent top = new Intent(Main.this, ProjectDetail.class);
                    top.putExtra("", randomIndex);


but it still contains error, can anybody fix that for me?

稍后我要将方法设置为ImageView,它或多或少看起来像这样 image1.randomClick(randomIndex1); .

Later I want set the method to an ImageView, it will look more or less like this image1.randomClick(randomIndex1);.


当前,在您的实现中, OnClickListener 未绑定到任何视图,因此不会被触发.

Currently in your implementation the OnClickListener is not bounded to any view, so it won't get fired.

您应该创建自己的(可能是内部的,但不是匿名的)类,以实现 OnClickListener 接口:

You should create your own (might be inner but not anonymous) class implementing the OnClickListener interface:

public class RandomClickListener implements View.OnClickListener
    private final int randomIndex;

    public RandomClickListener(final int randomIndex)
        this.randomIndex = randomIndex;
    public void onClick(View v)
        Intent top = new Intent(Main.this, ProjectDetail.class);
        top.putExtra("", randomIndex);
image1.setOnClickListener(new RandomClickListener(randomIndex));

这样,当您单击 image1 时,它将使用上面设置的 randomIndex 启动 ProjectDetail 活动.

This way when you click on the image1 it will start the ProjectDetail activity with the randomIndex set above.

如果您想显式启动 ProjectDetails 活动(无需任何用户交互(例如单击)),则完全不需要 OnClickListener .

If you'd like to explicitly start the ProjectDetails activity (without any user interactions such as a click), you don't need an OnClickListener at all.


09-03 14:23