


我试过 overflow:hidden code>体。这当然是有效的,但也是毫无意义的,因为那样你就无法滚动网站的内容。 $ c> overflow-y:scroll 这将强制滚动条出现(当滚动条没有任何内容时,可以看到,但禁用了)。请参阅:(也为可能的陷阱)

I wrote a jQuery function that dynamically adds or removes messages boxes from the DOM. Depending on the site's content and the number of message boxes, the browsers scrollbar appears. Sometimes, only the appearing of one message box causes that scrollbar. When this box is removed, the scrollbar disappears and the whole site jumps a few pixels sideways.Is there any way to fix it?

I've tried overflow: hidden on the body. This works of course, but is also pointless because then you can not scroll the site's content.


You can use overflow-y: scroll which will force a scrollbar to appear (being visible, but disabled, when there is nothing to scroll). See: http://html5boilerplate.com/docs/css/#html- (also for possible pitfalls)


09-03 14:14