



我已将WPF Datagrid的itemsource设置为从DAL返回的对象列表。我还添加了一个包含按钮的额外列,下面是xaml。

I've set the itemsource of my WPF Datagrid to a List of Objects returned from my DAL. I've also added an extra column which contains a button, the xaml is below.

<toolkit:DataGridTemplateColumn  MinWidth="100" Header="View">
            <Button Click="Button_Click">View Details</Button>

这很好。但是,在 Button_Click 方法上,有什么方法可以让我在按钮所在的数据网格上获取行?更具体地说,我对象的属性之一是 Id,我希望能够将其传递到事件处理程序中另一种形式的构造函数中。

This renders fine. However on the Button_Click method, is there any way I can get the row on the datagrid where the button resides? More specifically, one of the properties of my objects is "Id", and I'd like to be able to pass this into the constructor of another form in the event handler.

private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        //I need to know which row this button is on so I can retrieve the "id"


Perhaps I need something extra in my xaml, or maybe I'm going about this in a roundabout way? Any help/advice appreciated.



Basically your button will inherit the datacontext of a row data object. I am calling it as MyObject and hope MyObject.ID is what you wanted.

private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    MyObject obj = ((FrameworkElement)sender).DataContext as MyObject;
    //Do whatever you wanted to do with MyObject.ID


09-03 14:10