








如果是native liveQuery 你的意思是,然后是, live()明显快于 liveQuery()。后者使用 setInterval 定期查询整个文档树中的新元素,而前者使用。

活动代表团获胜。简而言之, live()将在每个事件类型的文档上有一个处理程序注册(例如,点击),无论您使用多少选择器 live()

至于你的另一个问题,听起来你是绑定到每个幻灯片的元素,并想知道再绑定和绑定是否具有高性能?我会说WRT记忆,是的。 WRT CPU周期,没有。

要清楚,使用 liveQuery()方法CPU将永远不会睡眠。 / p>

I have a big content slideshow kinda page that I'm making that is starting to use a lot of event triggers. Also about half of them use the livequery plugin.

Will I see speed increases by unloading these events between slides so only the active slide has bound events?

Also is the native livequery significantly faster then the livequery plugin?(cause it's certainly less functional)

Also would something like this:http://dev.jquery.com/attachment/ticket/2698/unload.js

unbind livequery events as well?

I really just need to know how long it takes to unload/load an event listener vs how many cycles they are really eating up if I leave them running. Also any information on live events would be awesome.


If by "native liveQuery" you mean live(), then yes, live() is significantly faster than liveQuery(). The latter uses setInterval to periodically query the entire document tree for new elements while the former uses event delegation.

Event delegation wins handsdown. In a nutshell, live() will have one handler on the document per event type registered (eg, click), no matter how many selectors you call live() with.

As for your other question, it sounds like you are binding to each slide's elements and want to know if unbinding and binding again is performant? I would say WRT memory, yes. WRT CPU cycles, no.

To be clear, with the liveQuery() approach CPU will never sleep.


09-15 13:00