


I want to attach a function to a jQuery element that fires whenever the element is added to the page.


I've tried the following, but it didn't work:

var el = jQuery('<h1>HI HI HI</H1>');
el.one('load', function(e) {


What I really want to do is to guarantee that another jQuery function that is expecting some #id to be at the page don't fail, so I want to call that function whenever my element is loaded in the page.

为了澄清,我将 el 元素传递给另一个库(在这种情况下,它是一个电影播放器​​但它可能是其他任何东西)并且我想知道何时 el 元素正在添加到页面,无论是我的电影播放器​​代码,它是添加元素还是其他任何元素。

To clarify, I am passing the el element to another library (in this case it's a movie player but it could be anything else) and I want to know when the el element is being added to the page, whether its my movie player code that it is adding the element or anyting else.


您需要,它就是这样做的。最近的 live 函数类似,只是在添加元素时不会调用你。我们一直使用它 - 效果很好。

You want the livequery plugin, which does just this. The recent live function is similar, except it won't call you when the element is added. We use it all the time-- works great.

你将使用 $('h1')。livequery(function(){alert ('刚添加');});


09-03 14:09