

我绑定了一些业务对象以一个WPF ItemsControl的。它们显示使用用于产生几何在DataTemplate中Path对象的自定义的IValueConverter实现,如下所示:

I am binding some business objects to a WPF ItemsControl. They are displayed using a custom IValueConverter implementation used to produce the Geometry for a Path object in the DataTemplate as shown here:

<ItemsControl x:Name="Display"
              ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=ViewPlaneSelector,
        <!-- This object is just used to get around the fact that ConverterParameter
        can't be a binding directly (it's not a DependencyProperty on a DependencyObject -->
            Plane="{Binding ElementName=ViewPlaneSelector,
                            Path=SelectedItem}" />
        <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type o:SlenderMember}">
            <Path Stroke="Blue" StrokeThickness=".5"
              Data='{Binding Converter={StaticResource SlenderMemberConverter},
                            ConverterParameter={StaticResource ConverterParameter2}}'
              ToolTip="{Binding AsString}">


Note that the items for the ItemsControl are drawn from the ViewPlaneSelector (a ComboBox) SelectedItem.VisibleElements property. I need that same ViewPlaneSelector.SelectedItem in the SlenderMemberConverter to figure out how to display this element. I'm trying to get a reference to it into the converter by creating the intermediate GeometryConverterData object in the Resources section. This object exists solely to get around the problem of not being able to bind directly to the ConverterParameter property (as mentioned in the comments). Here is the code for the GeometryDataConverter class:

class GeometryConverterData : FrameworkElement {
    public static readonly DependencyProperty PlaneProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("Plane", typeof(ViewPlane),
            typeof(GeometryConverterData), null, ValidValue);

    public static bool ValidValue(object o){
        return true;

    public ViewPlane Plane {
            return GetValue(PlaneProperty) as ViewPlane;
            SetValue(PlaneProperty, value);


I added the ValidValue function for debugging, to see what this property was getting bound it. It only and always gets set to null. I know that the ViewPlaneSelector.SelectedItem isn't always null since the ItemsControl has items, and it's items are drawn from the same property on the same object... so what gives? How can I get a reference to this ComboBox into my ValueConverter.


Or, alternately, why is what I'm doing silly and overly complicated. I'm as guilty as many of sometimes getting it into my head that something has to be done a certain way and then killing myself to make it happen when there's a much cleaner and simpler solution.




Your entire forum post is one code smell after another.
1. You're using Value Converters to convert a business entity to it's visual counterpart. That's a code smell in my book.
2. You're looking into sending a UI control to business logic.
3. Honest to god, someone here said "MultiBindings" (and beyond being right) my head imploded and there is now a black hole of nothingness where my brain used to be.

更多关于我的关于价值转换宗教信仰,触发器,MultiBindings等最差实践现实世界的LOB发展 - 随意读取的的。

For more on my religious convictions regarding Value Converters, Trigger, MultiBindings and other worst practices for real-world LOB development - feel free to read the following thread on WPF Disciples.

不过,让我们专注于让你解开。你需要一个 - 的视图模型的。

However, Let's focus on getting you untangled.You need a - ViewModel.


Here's what you need to put inside that ViewModel:
1. Controls don't bind to each other. It's an abomination unseen since biblical times. Whenever somthing on a control changes (ComboBox.SelectedItem, TextBox.Text, whatever) bind that directly to a ViewModel. So, instead of binding to PlaneSelector.SelectedItem and PlaneSelector.SelectedItem.VisibleElements, bind the selectedItem back to the ViewModel.
2. Convert between your business data and your correponding visual representation in the ViewModel. So, have the view model return the geometric data.


Here's a rough draft of how a super simple ViewModel that does that look like:

public class myFormViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    private void InvokePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        PropertyChangedEventHandler changed = PropertyChanged;
        if (changed != null) changed(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    private object _planeSelectedItem;
    public object PlaneSelectedItem
        get { return _planeSelectedItem; }
            _planeSelectedItem = value;

    public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, Geometry>> VisibleElements
           foreach(var slenderMember in PlaneSelectedItem.VisibleElements)
                yield return new KeyValuePair<string, Geometry>(slenderMember.AsString, ToGeometry(slenderMember));


And here's roughly how that part of your control should look like:

<ComboBox SelectedItem="{Binding PlaneSelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}" />
<ItemsControl x:Name="Display"
      ItemsSource="{Binding VisibleElements}">
        <DataTemplate >
            <Path Stroke="Blue" StrokeThickness=".5"
                  Data="{Binding Value}" ToolTip="{Binding Key}">

显然,有一些失踪的$ C $这里C(设定this.DataContent =新myFormViewModel(),使用KeyValuePairs,设置组合框的ItemsSource等)。但这里的核心是简化这些疯狂的结合把戏。

Obviously, there's some missing code here (Setting the this.DataContent = new myFormViewModel(), using KeyValuePairs, setting the ComboBox ItemsSource, etc). But the core here is to simplify these crazy binding shenanigans.

- 只使用code。它会让你的生活更简单。

Instead of trying to hack togather XAML to behave like code - just use code.It'll make your life much simpler.


09-03 13:35