




I am not sure how to assign data to a node in a VirtualStringTree. I'm need to assign a pointer to a record object to the Node's Data property in the tree control's InitNode event. However I'm getting a 'Pointer type required' compile-time error.

是TObject的后代的东西.当您不使用对象时,请勿使用TObjectList.如果您使用的Delphi版本早于2009,请使用TList并将 pointers 存储到TDiagData:

Furthermore, you're confused about your data types. You say FDiagDataList is a TObjectList, but you're clearly storing something in it that isn't a descendant of TObject. When you're not using objects, don't use TObjectList. If you're using a version of Delphi earlier than 2009, then use TList and store pointers to TDiagData:

NodeData^ := PDiagData(FDiagDataList[c])^;

如果您使用的是Delphi 2009或更高版本,请使用TList<TDiagData>,然后删除强制类型转换:

If you're using Delphi 2009 or later, then use TList<TDiagData>, and then get rid of the type cast:

NodeData^ := FDiagDataList[c];


Either way, you'll probably find things easier to manage if every event handler starts out the same way, with a call to GetNodeData to fetch the type-safe pointer to the current node's data.


09-03 13:32