: < envelope&
< header> blaa< / header>
< message> blaa blaa< / message>
< footer>< / footer>
< / envelop>
我要对头部和消息元素进行数字签名并将签名添加到页脚元素。 p>
如何签署元素,然后验证签名(使用.net c#)?
< Transform Algorithm =http://www.w3.org/TR/1999 / REC-xpath-19991116>
< XPath xmlns:dsig =& dsig;>
< / XPath>
< / Transform>
我不熟悉XPath,但应该很容易制定一个XPath表达式,页脚元素。 (但是请注意,XPath是XML-DSIG的一个可选部分,因此并非所有实现都支持它。)
< envelope>
< header> blaa< / header>
< message> blaa blaa< / message>
< Signature>< / Signature>
< / envelop>
< envelope>
< signedEnvelope>
< header> blaa< / header>
< message> blaa blaa< / message>
< / signedEnvelope>
< Signature>< / Signature>
< / envelop>
I have an XML document having structure similar to the following
<message>blaa blaa</message>
I want to digitally sign the header and message elements and add the signature to the footer element.
How can I sign the elements and then later verify the signature (using .net c#) ?
You should be able to add an XPath-Transform to the Signature. It should look something like this:
<Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116">
<XPath xmlns:dsig="&dsig;">
I am not fluent in XPath, but it should be easy to formulate an XPath-expression that excludes the Footer-element. (But note that XPath is an optional part of XML-DSIG, so not all implementations may support it).
Alternatively, if you could restructure your document to be
<message>blaa blaa</message>
<message>blaa blaa</message>
you could handle it by using an Enveloped Signature Transform (first case) or by signing the signedEnvelope element (second case).