



我正在使用带有原型remaining thelist的函数,该函数需要具有签名val remaining : char list -> int * char list = <fun>.我是Ocaml的新手,我不明白如何使Ocaml函数仅接受一个列表,并同时输出一个int和一个列表.这是我目前正在使用的代码.

I'm working with a function with the prototype remaining thelist that needs to take on the signature val remaining : char list -> int * char list = <fun>. I'm new to Ocaml and I do not understand how to make an Ocaml function take in only a list and output both an int and a list. This is the code I'm currently working with.

let rec remaining thelist= match thelist with
  | [] -> []
  | [x] -> [x]
  | x::y::t1 ->
      if x='a' then remaining (y::t1)
      else thelist;;

match thelist with
  | [] -> 0
  | x::t1 ->
    if x='a' then 1+remaining t1
    else 0;;


The first block of code outputs the correct char list if you comment out the second block. The second block outputs the correct int if you comment out the first block. I have no clue on how to combine the code to achieve the desired signature without some kind of compatibility error.



You can use product type (in fact your signature advise you to do so) and 'hidden' local function

let remaining =
     let rec f i = function
       | 'a'::l -> f (i+1) l
       | l -> i, l
     f 0


09-03 12:31