I have searched for this a lot, but didn't get a solution and hence posting this.
场景::我正在构建一个使用opencv库的Android应用.构建APK文件时,apk的大小为"66" MB,对于我的应用来说太大了.我使用的是最新版本的OpenCV
Scenario: I'm building an Android app which uses opencv library. When I build the APK file the size of apk is '66' MB which is too much for my app.I'm using the latest version of OpenCV
分析:当我分析apk文件时,由于在所有体系结构(例如amr64,armeabi,mips,x86等)中都存在"libopencv_java3.so"文件,因此我发现大小过大.我删除了所有这些文件并构建了APK,然后大小只有7 MB,它只能与目标设备中安装的OpenCVManager一起使用.
Analysis : When I analyze the apk file, I could see that the size is too big due to 'libopencv_java3.so' file in all architectures like amr64, armeabi, mips, x86 etc. If I remove all those files and build APK, then the size is 7 MB only, which can work only with OpenCVManager installed in the target device
Problem : I don't want my app users to install another app (OpenCVManager) to run my app. So, just want to know, what all are the possible solutions to reduce the apk size of the app to work without the help of OpenCVManager ?
You can enable ABI splitting in the build.gradle file like this:
android {
// Some other configuration here...
splits {
abi {
enable true
include 'x86', 'armeabi', 'armeabi-v7a', 'mips'
universalApk false
请参阅此链接 https://realm.io/news/reducing- apk-size-native-libraries/