


I wrote a file through my Android program like this:

String file = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/Files/hello.txt";
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file));
writer.write(str+"\n");     \\yeah str has a value there


The program does its job and it gets finished. Now I hit the back button on Android to close the application. What happens now, is that if I go to Android file browser (like Astro) I can see the file but if I mount the SD card on Windows, I can't see the file!

现在,如果我去设置>应用>管理应用程序> 强制停机<应用> 我能看到的文件,即使在Windows

Now, if I go to Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > "Force Stop" <application> I'm able to see the file even in Windows.


What should I do so that I can see a file in Windows if the file is written by my android app on sd-card and I don't want to go to settings and hit force close every time.


Actually the file is being written properly (I think) but since the default behaviour of Android 'back' button doesn't kill the app, and it looks like unless the app is killed I can't open the file outside Android (in Android, I'm still able to see it and even open it).


So, what would be the best solution for this case. Should I automatically kill the app when it is closing? People say that System.exit() is strictly not recommended.



It´s necessary that you use the following code so that your archive will be shown in the file system of windows or in the gallery of the phone.


  1. It's要快,因为只有Android的更新文件传递:

  1. It´s faster because android updates only the file passed:

MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(这一点,新的String [] {在这里你的路径&LT; /},NULL,NULL);


It´s more expensive because android will search all the files in the path passed. You can pass only the path of the folder to reduce the search of the files:

context.sendBroadcast(新意图(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED,乌里                .parse(文件://                        +的文件夹的路径)));

context.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED, Uri .parse("file://" +"path of the folder")));


09-03 12:25