我可以将我的Progressive Web App注册为共享图片目标(Chrome Android 76支持 ):
I can register my Progressive Web App as a share target for images (supported from Chrome Android 76):
"share_target": {
"action": "/share-target",
"method": "POST",
"enctype": "multipart/form-data",
"params": {
"files": [
"name": "myImage",
"accept": ["image/jpeg", "image/png"]
I can then intercept attempts to share images to the app in a service worker:
self.addEventListener('fetch', e => {
if (e.request.method === 'POST' && e.request.url.endsWith('/share-target')) {
// todo
How would I display the shared image in my offline PWA?
There are a few different steps to take here.
我在 https://web-share-offline.glitch.me/上汇总了一个工作示例.,其来源为 https://glitch.com/edit/#!/web-share-offline
This is a prerequisite, and I accomplished it by generating a service worker that would precache my HTML, JS, and CSS using Workbox.
加载首页时运行的JS使用Cache Storage API读取已缓存的图像URL的列表,以在与每个URL对应的页面上创建< img>
The JS that runs when the home page is loaded uses the Cache Storage API to read a list of image URLs that have been cached, to creates <img>
elements on the page corresponding to each one.
I also used Workbox for this, but it's a bit more involved. The salient points are:
- 确保您拦截了针对配置的共享目标URL的
请求. - 由您决定要读取共享图像的正文,然后使用Cache Storage API将它们写入本地缓存中.
- 将共享图像保存到缓存后,最好使用POST ="noreferrer">
HTTP 303
- Make sure that you intercept
requests for the configured share target URL. - It's up to you to read in the body of the shared images and to write them to your local cache using the Cache Storage API.
- After you save the shared image to cache, it's a good idea to respond to the
with aHTTP 303
redirected response, so that the browser will display the actual home page for your web app.
Here's the Workbox configuration code that I used to handle this:
const shareTargetHandler = async ({event}) => {
const formData = await event.request.formData();
const cache = await caches.open('images');
await cache.put(
// TODO: Come up with a more meaningful cache key.
// TODO: Get more meaningful metadata and use it
// to construct the response.
new Response(formData.get('image'))
// After the POST succeeds, redirect to the main page.
return Response.redirect('/', 303);
module.exports = {
// ... other Workbox config ...
runtimeCaching: [{
// Create a 'fake' route to handle the incoming POST.
urlPattern: '/share-target',
method: 'POST',
handler: shareTargetHandler,
}, {
// Create a route to serve the cached images.
urlPattern: new RegExp('/images/\\d+'),
handler: 'CacheOnly',
options: {
cacheName: 'images',