$ b
<?php $ b $由于某种原因,我的PDF上传表单失败了,我有这样的代码: b if($ _ POST [submit] ==将PDF添加到Comm和特殊项目)
$ addsubp = $ _POST [addsubp];
$ addsubp_name = $ _POST [addsubp_name];
$ commuploadedfile = $ _FILES ['uploadedfile'] ['name'];
$ sqldoc =INSERT INTO projects_links(pid,display_name,link)VALUES('。$ addsubp。','。。$ addsubp_name。','。。$ commuploadedfile。');
mysql_query($ sqldoc)或die(mysql_error());
回显< BR>;
$ target_path =D:\\Hosting\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'
$ target_path = $ target_path。 basename($ _FILES ['uploadedfile'] ['name']);
if(move_uploaded_file($ _ FILES ['uploadedfile'] ['tmp_name'],$ target_path)){
echo< br>文件。 basename($ _FILES ['uploadedfile'] ['name'])。
已上载< br>;
} else {
echo< br>上传文件时出现错误,请重试。< br>;
< form method =post>
将PDF添加到针对委员会和特殊项目的项目中< br>选择项目< select name =addsubp><?php
$ query =SELECT
projects 。*
$ showresult = mysql_query($ query);
$ csp_c = 1; ($ buyarray = mysql_fetch_assoc($ showresult))
echo< option value =。$ buyarray ['id']。>。$ buyarray [ PNAME ]。 < /选项>中;
?>< / select>< br>
选择PDF的显示名称< input type =textname =addsubp_name/> <溴>
选择PDF:< input name =uploadedfiletype =file/> <峰; br>
< input type =submitvalue =将PDF添加到Comm和特殊项目name =submit/>
< / form>
$ b
< form enctype =multipart / form-datamethod =POST>
<输入类型=hiddenname =MAX_FILE_SIZEvalue =1000000/>
For some reason my PDF upload form is failing consistently, I have this code:
if($_POST["submit"] == "Add PDF to Comm and Special Projects")
$addsubp = $_POST["addsubp"];
$addsubp_name = $_POST["addsubp_name"];
$commuploadedfile = $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'];
$sqldoc = "INSERT INTO projects_links (pid, display_name, link) VALUES ('".$addsubp."','".$addsubp_name."','".$commuploadedfile."')";
mysql_query($sqldoc) or die(mysql_error());
echo "<BR>";
$target_path = "D:\\Hosting\\69903\\html\\pdfs\\comm\\";
$target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']);
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
echo "<br>The file ". basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']).
" has been uploaded<br>";
} else{
echo "<br>There was an error uploading the file, please try again.<br>";
<form method="post">
Add PDF to Project for Committees and Special Projects <br>Choose Project<select name="addsubp"><?php
$query = "SELECT
$showresult = mysql_query($query);
$csp_c = 1;
while($buyarray = mysql_fetch_assoc($showresult))
echo "<option value=".$buyarray['id'].">".$buyarray["pname"]."</option>";
Choose Display Name for PDF <input type="text" name="addsubp_name" /> <Br>
Choose PDF: <input name="uploadedfile" type="file" /> <Br>
<input type="submit" value="Add PDF to Comm and Special Projects" name="submit" />
I have made sure that the application has write privileges to the "comm" directory. I have godaddy and used the file manager to make sure of that. I have had problems with permissions in this project before, so I know this isn't case. It keeps printing
There was an error uploading the file, please try again.
It doesn't attempt to upload any PDF at all, what am I doing wrong? thanks!
You may have permissions issues, but for file uploads your form tag should contain the proper enctype attribute.
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
and defining a file size limit is also a good idea:
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000" />