


      cdef class BaseClass():
           def __cinit__(self,char* name):
               print "BaseClass __cinit__()"
           def __dealloc__():
               print "BaseClass __dealloc__()"
      cdef class DerClass(BaseClass):
           def __cinit__(self,char* name,int n):
               print "DerClass __cinit__()"
           def __dealloc__():
               print "DerClass __dealloc__()"


when i call the DerClass in cyhton happen that the construcor of the BaseClass is called automatically,what it has to print is:

       BaseClass __cinit__()
       DerClass __cinit__()
       DerClass __dealloc__()
       BaseClass __dealloc__()

却没有,它使我称之为DerClass('Cia o’)。
为什么会发生这种情况,以及如何避免调用BaseClass的 cinit

but it does not,it crash ones that i call the DerClass('Ciao').why does happen so and how can i avoid calling the cinit of BaseClass.Thank you!


上面的答案可能并不是最好的解决方案。阅读上面链接的初始化方法:__cinit __()和__init __()部分将给出以下信息:

The above answer may not pose quite the best solution. Reading the section "Initialisation methods: __cinit__() and __init__()" of the link above gives this information:

所以我的解决方案是只替换 __ cinit()__ 在 BaseClass 中,以便可以将可变数量的参数传递给任何派生类:

So my solution would be to just replace the arguments of __cinit()__ in BaseClass so that a variable number of arguments can be passed to any derived class:

cdef class BaseClass:
    def __cinit__(self, *argv):
        print "BaseClass __cinit__()"
def __dealloc__(self):
        print "BaseClass __dealloc__()"

cdef class DerClass(BaseClass):
    def __cinit__(self,char* name, int n):
        print "DerClass __cinit__()"
    def __dealloc__(self):
        print "DerClass __dealloc__()"

请参见,以解释python中的 * args 变量

See here for an explanation of the *args variable in python


09-03 11:45