本文介绍了打包使用ImageMagick C API的应用程序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我创建了一个使用ImageMagick C API的小应用程序,但是遇到了一些砖墙。该应用程序工作正常,我已准备好与我们组织中的其他几个人分享,但我找不到分发这样的应用程序的文档,而无需在目标机器上安装ImageMagick。

I've created a little Windows app that uses the ImageMagick C API but have run into a bit of a brick wall. The app works fine and I'm ready to share it with a few others in our organisation but I can't find documentation on distributing such an app without installing ImageMagick on the target machine.


Does anyone here have information, or a link to information, that details how to package this up for distribution? What DLLs are required and which one(s) need to registered with Windows? The target users will be on a mix of XP and Win7.


我必须做类似的事情,尽管我自己建立了Imagemagick所以我可以削减脂肪。您可以在您的机器上执行的操作,使用。在安装过程中,请确保选中安装C和C ++开发标头和库的复选框。

I had to do something similar, though I built Imagemagick myself so I could trim the fat. What you can do is on your machine, install the dlls using the exe they provide. In the install process, make sure you check the box that says install C and C++ development headers and libraries.

然后,install dir将包含include目录中的标头,和整个树上的d ..您将找到需要在lib中链接的库。虽然有大量的dll,这使得这有点问题。

The install dir will then contain the headers in the include directory, and dlls throughout the tree. You will find libs that you need to link against in lib. There are a ton of dlls though, which makes this a bit of a problem.

我在构建时最终做的只是创建一个ImageMagick dll和a。要链接的lib文件。我从源代码创建了自己的项目并构建了一个dll。然后,您可以使用来自源代码的标头发送您创建的dll和库。

What I ended up doing when I built was just create a single ImageMagick dll and a .lib file to link against. I created my own project from the source and built a dll. Then you can ship the dll and the lib you create with the headers from source.

编辑:我还应该声明仅安装过程发生在你的机器上。然后,您可以从安装路径中复制dlls / libs / headers并将其与您的软件包一起发送,而不是要求用户安装除您的应用程序之外的任何内容。

I should also state that the install process only occurs on your machine. You can then copy the dlls/libs/headers from the install path and ship them with your package, rather than requiring the user to install anything but your app.

这篇关于打包使用ImageMagick C API的应用程序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 11:42