Users are able to upload videos to my youtube account via a simple web form.
使用不赞成使用的ClientLogin身份验证可以做到这一点.但是它没有使用OAuth 2.0身份验证,因为这总是将用户登录到自己的帐户,而不是我的帐户.正确的?如果没有,如何使用OAuth身份验证使用户能够将视频上传到我的youtube帐户?
This is possible using the deprecated ClientLogin authentication.But it is not using OAuth 2.0 authentication, because this one's logging the user always in to his own account, not mine. Correct? If not, how do I use the OAuth authentication to enable users to upload videos to my youtube account?
Google的OAuth2授权服务器支持使用服务帐户.它们正是针对此用例.这也应该适用于Youtube API.
Google's OAuth2 authorization server supports the use of Service Accounts. They are meant for exactly this use case. This should work for the Youtube API too.
您可以在Google的 API控制台中创建服务帐户.在那里,您将获得一个服务帐户电子邮件地址,您必须将其设置为备用电子邮件地址您用于YouTube视频的Google帐户.
You can create a Service Account in Google's API Console. There you get a Service Account email address, that you have to setup as alternative email address for the Google account you use for your Youtube videos.
这篇关于Youtube API:上传到开发者的帐户的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!