


I am new to Android development. I am using a x-platform development tool which builds and signs the APK for me. This tool has a bug and it does not generate APK's with the version code I specify, all APK's generated are version 1.0.


I would like to unpack the APK, edit the version code, and then resign and repackage it. It was signed using my keystore originally, so I have the keys needed to sign it again.



这应该是可能的; previously我没有访问源改变现有的APK的包名。

It should be possible; previously I've changed an existing APK's package name without access to the source.


However, you will probably need (and I don't have any more specific guides to hand):

  • 在十六进制编辑器
  • 要APK文件格式的引导
  • 计算APK校验的方法

您需要解压APK,改变(二进制包装)的Andr​​oidManifest.xml ,修改了 resources.arsc (我认为),然后重新拉链的APK。

You need to unzip the APK, alter the (binary-packed) AndroidManifest.xml, alter the checksum in the resources.arsc (I think) and then re-zip the APK.

其实,在寻找一对夫妇的这些资源,我碰到 apktool ,这听起来有希望的。

Actually, in searching for a couple of these resources, I came across apktool, which sounds promising.


09-03 11:02