一点,远程调试工作。但对于我的生活,我似乎无法弄清楚是什么破坏了。我有一个flex / Java应用程序。有一个包装器启动tomcat服务器。我修改了wrapper.conf文件以包含
- 我添加了tomcat.enable.debug = true到我的catalina.properties文件。
wrapper.java.additional.9 = - Xmx2048m
wrapper.java.additional.10 = - XX:MaxPermSize = 1024m
At one point, the remote debug used to work. But for the life of me, I don't seem to be able to figure out what broke it.
I have a flex/Java application. There is a wrapper that starts the tomcat server. I modified the wrapper.conf file to include
In my flex debug configurations, on the left, I have Remote Java Application. On the right, I have Standard (Socket Attach) as the connection type, (I have tried localhost too) as Host, and 8000 as Port.
The following is the stack trace.
Here is a screen shot of the debug configurations.
After much struggles, I finally got it figured out. I had to make two changes.
- I added tomcat.enable.debug=true to my catalina.properties file.
In my wrapper.conf, I had the following lines.
My MaxPermSize was set to a smaller size than Xmx. I had to change that 1024 to 2048.
I then restarted my tomcat and it worked, finally!
这篇关于无法连接到远程VM。拒绝连接。尝试在Flash Builder 4.7中调试远程java应用程序时的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!