本文介绍了ASPNET表 - 指定TableCell的宽度是多少?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've a asp.net table and I'm trying to format my columns to be all equal widths, or say 4 columns of 20%, 30%, 20% and 30%. However the following code is not working:

<asp:TableCell Width="30%">

在高度属性的作品,但是,这不是一个我之后。任何帮助非常AP preciated。谢谢

The 'height' attribute works but this isn't the one I'm after. Any help much appreciated. Thanks



It's not working because the Width property is expecting a value of a Unit type, which defaults to Pixels.. I couldn't find an example that shows how to create an instance of Unit with a Type of Percentage


Which leaves me to suggest how you could do it with CSS..

  1. 给这个TableCell的一个的CssClass,并在样式表中设置宽度

  1. Give the TableCell a CssClass, and set the Width in a stylesheet

&LT; ASP:TableCell的的CssClass =tableCellWidth30&GT;

.tableCellWidth30 {宽度:30%; }


Use the Style property and set the Width inline

&LT; ASP:TableCell的风格=宽度:30%;&GT;

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09-03 10:52