


As we know, Dijkstra finds the shortest path from a single source node to any other node in a given graph. I try to modify the original Dijkstra to find the shortest path between a pair of the source node and destination node. It seems easy that only set a termination condition for terminating the program when the Dijkstra finds the destination node.However, the "termination condition" I set in my Python codes seems to lead a sub-optimal shortest path rather than the optimal shortest path.The Dijkstra code is as follows,

def dijkstra(adjList, source, sink):
#define variables
n = len(adjList)    #intentionally 1 more than the number of vertices, keep the 0th entry free for convenience
visited = [False]*n
parent = [-1] *n
#distance = [float('inf')]*n
distance = [1e7]*n
heapNodes = [None]*n
heap = FibonacciHeap()
for i in range(1, n):
    heapNodes[i] = heap.insert(1e7, i)

distance[source] = 0
heap.decrease_key(heapNodes[source], 0)

while heap.total_nodes:
    current = heap.extract_min().value
    #print("Current node is: ", current)
    visited[current] = True
    #early exit
    if sink and current == sink:
    for (neighbor, cost) in adjList[current]:
        if not visited[neighbor]:
            if distance[current] + cost < distance[neighbor]:
                distance[neighbor] = distance[current] + cost
                heap.decrease_key(heapNodes[neighbor], distance[neighbor])
                    if  neighbor == sink and current != source:     # this is a wrong logic , since the neighbor may not be selected as the next hop.
                            print("find the sink 1")
                            printSolution(source, sink, distance,parent)
    if neighbor == sink:
        print("find the sink2")
return distance

adjList = [
[[2, 7], [3, 9], [6, 14]],
[[1, 7], [4, 15], [3, 10]],
[[1, 9], [2, 10], [4, 11], [6, 2]],
[[2, 15], [3, 11], [5, 6]],
[[4, 6], [6, 9]],
[[5, 9], [1, 14]]


The graph of the adjacency list is as shown:


I want to find the path from node 1 to node 4, there are three paths:

 path 1: 1 --> 2 --> 4              cost: 22
 path 2: 1 --> 2 --> 3 --> 4        cost: 28
 path 3: 1 --> 3 --> 4              cost: 20
 path 4: 1 --> 3 --> 6 --> 5 --> 4  cost: 26
 path 5: 1 --> 6 --> 3 --> 4        cost: 28
 path 6: 1 --> 6 --> 5 --> 4        cost: 29

最初,Dijkstra将选择路径3:1-> 3-> 4,因为它具有最低的成本。

Originally, Dijkstra will select path 3: 1 --> 3 --> 4 since it has the minimum cost.

但是,我修改了终止条件,即当找到当前节点的邻接节点是目的地时,程序将结束。然后得到节点1和节点4之间的路径结果。结果为路径1:1->。 2-> 4.

But, I modify the termination condition, i.e., when finding the adjacency node of the current node is the destination, the program will be ended. And I get the result of a path between node 1 and node 4. The result is path 1: 1 --> 2 --> 4.I analyze that, this is because I set the wrong termination condition. The program will be terminated when finding the adjacency node of the current node is the destination, that is wrong but I have no idea that setting a proper termination condition when the destination node is found.Could you please provide some ideas?



The only right place for the termination condition is at the start of the outer loop when you just got the current node from the heap.


It is wrong to do that test when you iterate the neighbors, as you don't have the guarantee that this last edge is part of the shortest path. Just imagine some insane high cost for that last step to the neighbor: never could that be on the shortest path, so don't perform the terminating condition there: there still might be another path to the sink that is cheaper.

我也没有看到您的代码中实际填充了 parent 的位置。

I also did not see where you actually populated parent in your code.


I would also not put all nodes on the heap from the start, as heaps are faster when they have fewer elements. You can start with a heap with just 1 node.

另一个小优化是使用 parent 还将节点标记为已访问,因此您实际上并不需要同时访问父母

Another little optimisation is to use parent also for marking nodes as visited, so you don't actually need both parent and visited.

最后,我不知道 FibonacciHeap 库,所以我刚刚使用了 heapq ,这是一个非常轻便的堆实现:

Finally, I don't know the FibonacciHeap library, so I have just taken heapq, which is a very light heap implementation:

from heapq import heappop, heappush

def dijkstra(adjList, source, sink):
    n = len(adjList)
    parent = [None]*n
    heap = [(0, source, 0)] # No need to push all nodes on the heap at the start
    # only add the source to the heap

    while heap:
        distance, current, came_from = heappop(heap)
        if parent[current] is not None:  # skip if already visited
        parent[current] = came_from  # this also marks the node as visited
        if sink and current == sink:  # only correct place to have terminating condition
            # build path
            path = [current]
            while current != source:
                current = parent[current]
            return distance, path
        for (neighbor, cost) in adjList[current]:
            if parent[neighbor] is None:  # not yet visited
                heappush(heap, (distance + cost, neighbor, current))

adjList = [
[[2, 7], [3, 9], [6, 14]],
[[1, 7], [4, 15], [3, 10]],
[[1, 9], [2, 10], [4, 11], [6, 2]],
[[2, 15], [3, 11], [5, 6]],
[[4, 6], [6, 9]],
[[5, 9], [1, 14]]
dist, path = dijkstra(adjList,1,4)
print("found shortest path {}, which has a distance of {}".format(path, dist))


09-03 10:35