


I have a database with the folliwng example data



I am using PDO to search the names (the 3rd column, I sort of excluded the titles) using the following:

search('items', 'name', 'Strong');

public function search($table, $column, $term){
        $command = "SELECT name FROM `$table` WHERE `$column` LIKE :$column";
        $query = $this->connection->prepare($command);
        return $query->fetchAll();


Array ( )


Why is it not returning anything?



$query->execute(array(":$column" => "{$term}%"));

LIKE运算符需要知道在行中应该忽略值的哪些部分.做类似abc LIKE 'def'的事情和做abc='def'一样. %字符用于告诉LIKE应该忽略的内容.

The LIKE operator needs to know what parts of the values, in the rows, it should ignore. Doing something like abc LIKE 'def' is the same as doing abc='def'. The % character is used to tell LIKE what it should ignore.

因此,abc LIKE 'def%'告诉LIKE,它应该找到开始于 def的东西,并且后面可能没有任何东西.

So, abc LIKE 'def%' tells LIKE that it should find stuff that begins with def, and may or may not have anything after it.

%字符可以在搜索字符串中的任何位置多次使用.例如,abc LIKE '%def%'查找在值中任何地方 def的内容,而abc LIKE '%def'查找以def结尾的 内容.

The % character can be used anywhere, and multiple times, inside the search string. For example, abc LIKE '%def%' finds stuff that contains def anywhere in the value, and abc LIKE '%def' finds stuff that ends with def.


The {} inside the string are just interpolation delimiters. When you interpolate array values you need to use them, but some people also use them for regular variables. You do not strictly need them. You could just write it, "$term%", but I find the curly braces to be helpful for differentiating variables from the rest of the string.

注意:如果您知道正则表达式,则SQL %字符非常类似于正则表达式中的.*?.

Note: If you know regular expressions then the SQL % character is much like .*? in regex.


09-03 10:19