




I have a problem similar to this question. I am trying to devise a loss function in keras given as:

def depth_loss_func(lr):
    def loss(actual_depth,pred_depth):
        actual_shape = actual_depth.get_shape().as_list()
        dim = np.prod(actual_shape[1:])
        actual_vec = K.reshape(actual_depth,[-1,dim])
        pred_vec = K.reshape(pred_depth,[-1,dim])
        di = K.log(pred_vec)-K.log(actual_vec)
        di_mean = K.mean(di)
        sq_mean = K.mean(K.square(di))

        return (sq_mean - (lr*di_mean*di_mean))
    return loss


based on the answer given in this question. However, I am getting an error:

 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType'


Specifically this statement gives the following output

(Pdb) actual_depth.get_shape()
TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(None), Dimension(None)])


The backend is TensorFlow. Thanks for your help.


当调用np.prod()时,我设法重现了形状为(None, None, None, 9)的张量的异常:

I managed to reproduce you exception with a Tensor of shape (None, None, None, 9), when calling np.prod() like this:

from keras import backend as K

#create tensor placeholder
z = K.placeholder(shape=(None, None, None, 9))
#obtain its static shape with int_shape from Keras
actual_shape = K.int_shape(z)
#obtain product, error fires here... TypeError between None and None
dim = np.prod(actual_shape[1:])


This happens because you are trying to multiply two elements of type None, even though you sliced your actual_shape (as more than 1 elements where None). In some cases you can even get TypeError between None and int, if only one none-type element remains after slicing.


Taking a look at the answer you mentioned, they specify what to do in those situations, quoting from it:


Based on that, we can translate those operations to the Keras API, by using K.shape() (docs) and K.prod() (docs), respectively:

z = K.placeholder(shape=(None, None, None, 9))
#obtain Real shape and calculate dim with prod, no TypeError this time
dim = K.prod(K.shape(z)[1:])
z2 = K.reshape(z, [-1,dim])


Also, for the case where only one dimension is undefined remember to use K.int_shape(z) or its wrapper K.get_variable_shape(z) instead of just get_shape(), as also defined in the backend (docs). Hope this solves your problem.


09-03 10:08