本文介绍了Unity VR中的滑块的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们正在为Go开发视频播放器应用.我们构建了一个简单的raycaster脚本,以在用户指向UI Button元素并拉动触发器时触发onClick事件:

We're working on a video player app for the Go. We built a straightforward raycaster script to trigger onClick events when a user points at a UI Button element and pulls the trigger:

bool triggerPulled = OVRInput.GetDown(OVRInput.Button.PrimaryIndexTrigger);
    if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, out hit, 1000))

        if ( triggerPulled )

            // if we hit a button
            Button button = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent<Button>();

            if (button != null)



We'd really like to be able to manipulate UI Sliders with the laser pointer as well as buttons, but aren't clear on whether there are analogous events we can trigger for the appropriate behavior. We can call onValueChanged to alter the value, but that doesn't really give us the sliding behavior we'd like, only lets us set the new value once we know where we're ending up.


Does anybody have good ideas for how to approach this?


Oculus Integration 有一个名为OVRInputModule.cs的脚本.我相信这是针对您要尝试执行的操作而设计的.为此,需要执行一些步骤.结果的GIF.

Oculus Integration has a script called OVRInputModule.cs. I believe this is designed for what you are trying to do. In order to do this there are a few steps. A GIF of the result.

为实现这一点,我将代码分为三个脚本. ControllerInfoControllerPointerSetUITransformRay.

To achieve this, I split the code into three scripts; ControllerInfo, ControllerPointer, and SetUITransformRay.


Controller info is just a class that makes sure that scripts always have the correct information.

using UnityEngine;
using static OVRInput;

public class ControllerInfo : MonoBehaviour {
    private Transform trackingSpace;
    public static Transform TRACKING_SPACE;
    public static Controller CONTROLLER;
    public static GameObject CONTROLLER_DATA_FOR_RAYS;

    private void Start () {
        TRACKING_SPACE = trackingSpace;

    private void Update()
        CONTROLLER = ((GetConnectedControllers() & (Controller.LTrackedRemote | Controller.RTrackedRemote) & Controller.LTrackedRemote) != Controller.None) ? Controller.LTrackedRemote : Controller.RTrackedRemote;


ControllerPointer draws a line from the controller. This represents the way the controller is pointing. Add this to a LineRenderer.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using static OVRInput;

public class ControllerPointer : MonoBehaviour
    private SetUITransformRay uiRays;
    private LineRenderer pointerLine;
    private GameObject tempPointerVals;

    private void Start()
        tempPointerVals = new GameObject();
        tempPointerVals.transform.parent = transform;
        tempPointerVals.name = "tempPointerVals";
        pointerLine = gameObject.GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
        pointerLine.useWorldSpace = true;

        ControllerInfo.CONTROLLER_DATA_FOR_RAYS = tempPointerVals;

    private void LateUpdate()
        Quaternion rotation = GetLocalControllerRotation(ControllerInfo.CONTROLLER);
        Vector3 position = GetLocalControllerPosition(ControllerInfo.CONTROLLER);
        Vector3 pointerOrigin = ControllerInfo.TRACKING_SPACE.position + position;
        Vector3 pointerProjectedOrientation = ControllerInfo.TRACKING_SPACE.position + (rotation * Vector3.forward);
        PointerEventData pointerData = new PointerEventData(EventSystem.current);
        Vector3 pointerDrawStart = pointerOrigin - pointerProjectedOrientation * 0.05f;
        Vector3 pointerDrawEnd = pointerOrigin + pointerProjectedOrientation * 500.0f;
        pointerLine.SetPosition(0, pointerDrawStart);
        pointerLine.SetPosition(1, pointerDrawEnd);

        tempPointerVals.transform.position = pointerDrawStart;
        tempPointerVals.transform.rotation = rotation;


SetUITransformRay will automatically set the controller for the OVRInputModule ray. It is required as normally you have two controllers in your scene; one for left and one for right. See the full method below for more info on how to set this up. Add this component to your EventSystem that is generated when you add a canvas.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;

public class SetUITransformRay : MonoBehaviour
    private OVRInputModule inputModule;
    private OVRGazePointer gazePointer;

    public void SetUIRays()
        inputModule.rayTransform = ControllerInfo.CONTROLLER_DATA_FOR_RAYS.transform;
        gazePointer.rayTransform = ControllerInfo.CONTROLLER_DATA_FOR_RAYS.transform;




Import the Oculus Integration pack. Drag the OVRCameraRig onto your scene. Drag a OVRTrackedRemote into the left and right hand anchors. Set each remote to left or right depending on the anchor.


Step 2) Set up your canvas and eventsystem.




Step 3) Set up correct objects

创建3个对象; Controller ManagerController PointerOVRGazePointer.

Create 3 objects; Controller Manager, Controller Pointer, and OVRGazePointer.

对于OVRGazePointer,我很快进入了UI Oculus\VR\Scenes的示例场景,并在其中预制了OVRGazePointer.

For the OVRGazePointer, I just quickly went in the example scene for UI, Oculus\VR\Scenes, and prefabed the OVRGazePointer there.


On Controller Pointer, there is a LineRenderer. This has two points, doesn't matter where. It uses world space. It has a width of 0.005.


Only having two points, and using world space is very important. This is because ControllerPointer the script relies on those two being set like that.

这篇关于Unity VR中的滑块的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 09:43