如此处所述,软件包中的功能如下:以及类中的静态方法,仍然需要对 each 函数使用packagename.functionname
语法或import packagename.*
As noted here, functions in packages, as well as static methods in classes, still need to use a packagename.functionname
syntax or import packagename.*
for each function (since the imports are part of the function workspace and not global). This means that changing the package/class name later on can become a tedious nuisance.
So... doesn't this require importthis to also be imported? Or is importthis a function you always have in your path?
在每个函数的顶部粘贴一个"import this"块似乎并不复杂,然后您不必担心importthis在您的路径中.我倾向于觉得依靠路径是危险的.
It seems hardly more complex to just paste an "import this" block with this at the top of each function, and then you don't have to worry about importthis being in your path. I tend to feel that reliance on path is dangerous.
%% Import own package
[~, pkgdir] = fileparts(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')));
import([pkgdir(2:end) '.*']);
You can even put it in a try/catch block to make sure it's in a package directory, and decide what to do if it's not.
%% Import own package
[~, pkgdir] = fileparts(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')));
catch err
if ~strcmp(err.identifier,'MATLAB:UndefinedFunction'), rethrow(err); end