


According to the book 'operating systems concepts', it says:

  • 发送(P,消息):发送消息以处理P
  • 接收(Q,消息)-从进程Q接收消息.

在不对称情况下,只有发件人为收件人命名;收件人不是 要求为发件人命名.在此方案中,发送和接收 原语定义如下:

In asymmetry only the sender names the recipient; the recipient is not required to name the sender. In this scheme, the send and receive primitives are defined as follows:

  • 发送(P,消息):发送消息以处理P.
  • receive(id,message):从任何进程接收消息;变量id设置为与之通信的进程的名称 已经发生了.
  • Send(P, message): Send a message to process P.
  • receive(id, message):Receive a message from any process; the variable id is set to the name of the process with which communication has taken place.


I can't understand what is the difference? In asymmetric scheme, doesn't the receive() call need to specify the sender id?



That the receive() call does not specify the sender id is the difference. The implication is that the sender:receiver relationship is many to one (N:1), whereas the symmetric case is 1:1. Many implementations offer secondary mechanisms to blur this implications.


In the N:1 case, there needs to be some explanation of the mechanisms for handling multiple simultaneous senders. Explanations involve policy:first come first served; random; priority, capacity: #-threads, and perhaps inheritance of scheduling parameters and constraints.


In the 1:1 case, there is no need for policy or capacity, and it is safe to assume inheritance is innate. Thusly, the 1:1 case is more amenable to automated analysis.


A 1:1 system that permits dynamic configuration of sender:receiver pairs can be even more complex than these identified systems. In this sort of system, a sender may discover a receiver by some process which instantiates a receiver for this sender. Uncovering the policy,capacity,inheritance attributes is more complex in this sort of arrangement.


09-03 09:14