




I have grpc server which write by go and a python client, sometimes, the errors occurred as below:

eggs/grpcio-1.0.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/grpc/_channel.py\", line 432, in _end_unary_response_blocking\n    raise _Rendezvous(state, None, None, deadline)\nInternalServerError: Deadline Exceeded\n"}


如何指定截止日期因语言而异-对于 例如,Python中始终需要最后期限值,而不是全部 语言有默认的截止日期.

How the deadline is specified varies from language to language - for example, a deadline value is always required in Python, and not all languages have a default deadline.


is there way to solve this error?



As mentioned in the comment above, deadlines can be just about anything between the client and server, including the network and implementation of the server. As you are talking over a network, deadlines should be expected occasionally, for example during package losses. I general, there are a couple of options on what you can do here:

  • 优化服务器实现以更快地处理您的请求.
  • 如果客户设定了较短的期限,则增加期限.
  • 通过以下方式优雅地处理截止日期错误:
    • 正在重试.只需确保使用指数补偿,这样就不会在服务器过载的情况下使问题恶化.
    • 在上游报告错误.
    • 有时也有可能退回到不使用该grpc调用的位置,从而降低体验.
    • Optimize the server implementation to handle your requests faster.
    • In case the client sets a short deadline, increase this.
    • Handle the deadline errors gracefully by:
      • Retrying. Just make sure to use an exponential back-off, so you don't make the problem worse in case of a server overload situation.
      • Report an error up-streams.
      • Sometimes it may also be possible to fall back to not use that grpc call and degrade the experience.


09-03 09:04